Todd T Squirrel

Good lord were they going to give awards to comic book movies? I mean Logan I could see but it’s not Disney yet.

I’m sorry, I’m supposed to be mad at the Swift camp for being pissed off at hacky journalists labeling her as the poster child for white supremacy? I just cannot fathom why people keep saying the left is its own worst enemy.

“By the way, those survivors and family members of the victims? They are dealing with mental-health challenges as they struggle to understand why their loved ones were tragically taken away and why the government repeatedly fails to prevent these senseless losses of life due to people behaving badly.”

Noted Nazi Cosplay Enthusiast Prince Harry you mean. Doesn’t matter how dreamy he is, he’s a fuckhead.

Harlots, they still review Harlots.

“However, Carr says that it is not enough, emphasizing that if her son had made those types of comments, he would have been arrested.”

Will i09?

Coming to a local newspaper Letters to the Editor section near you soon: “the NFL protests distracted the military from their duties because they were being disrespected.”

Clarence Thomas, pictured here with Joe Biden and Satan’s Scrotum.

If there are, people are going to have a LOT of fucking explaining to do.

He’s got a bright future ahead of him as a Deadspin commenter.

Ick that looks like it’s being done on a cheapo offset Charbroil smoker, those things are horrendous at maintaining a constant temperature.

Shit like this just makes me want the Shitty Media Men list published more. It will undoubtedly ruin the reputation of many - though let’s be honest, probably not, there’s always Vice and Barstool to hire these people - but it would also hopefully let women know of the many wolves in sheeps clothing in the industry.

Been since the late 2000s that I worked in a restaurant but....

No Warren Zevon’s last performance on Letterman huh. Didn’t you guys leave that off a list of his iconic music performances when his show was ending?

My dad skipped my birth to play in a company softball game. Coincidentally, I have a Calvin and Hobbes tattoo.

Bryan Singer, not Brett Ratner. Though Singer is the one who is rumored to be involved with child sex rings in Hollywood.

I’m pretty sure 30 or 31 of his 38 accusers are white.

And yet you found a way to power through it.

Just giving the dog a taste of the potato salad, man.