
I honestly didn’t know anyone on the Jalopnik staff was of driving age in 1997.

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$32 for hinges! Some door hinges and swingout sides could be a better option. kind like this

There’s only one Batman. There’s only one Batmobile.


The Herkimer Battle Jitney from Mystery Men

The Monkey Mobile, it beat a Shelby Daytona Coupe in a road race that makes it a superhero

Speed buggy! Strong, independent Buggy that don’t need no driver.

Danger Mouse’s flying car.

Me. I love the Black Beauty.

The Green Hornet’s 1965 Chrysler Imperial. The Black Beauty.

At 16:42, a wild Teletubbie appears.


It must be mirror-universe evil Richard.

Tony Stark’s wallet required

I will call her The Belafonte II.

There are very rare circumstances where it makes more sense to buy a brand new car than a slightly used one. Wranglers and Tacomas come to mind. In those cases, you buy it brand new and drive it for many many years.

Not a bad idea.

Why hello there, Citroën 2CV6 Club steering wheel, I didn't expect to find you here.