Windmill Owner

Her lack of matches has made it easy to be undefeated and yes ofcourse she is a great outside promo person but remember that Paige is that also and well yeah Paige has been in godawful heel-face limbo for ages also. I do agree with that the stupid logic that cheering gets most female wrestlers turned to heel. Face

Yeah i've said it before and got tons of fanboying hate over me but her queen bee persona in NXT was pretty much godawful in promos but that's nxt where good promos are pretty hard to find. Also she did have way less promos then a Bayley or Becky over there and if she had one it would be most likely with someone else.

It's become a hilarious running joke, but yeah she appears for a very small bit in the great Biz Cliz Party shoot thing

Bennet and EC3 are at this point but their mostly fine in max 30 minutes doses. Galloway is still solid but has always been so more fun when away from TNA(his heel runs in ICW and Evolve mostly). Bobbo Lashly is pretty fun also these days and decent at promos but still isn't really a carrying star. But yeah it's

I mean in that recent tv spot for the backyard match of tonight they had Reby's father play the 'yes mr hardy' Gardner. Hats off to TNA for such a well booked feud about two guys who everyone had nearly written of. I will always remain a Matt Hardy mark through stuff like this and s.c.u.m. when he was in ROH

those shakes they keep pushing on WWE a while back look like it includes the sugar intake for me in a half year.

Did 2 of the most over superstars in it said after they were winning, 'i'm leaving' without any warning and sadly walked in Charlie Brown fashion away so the team was confused and lost?

It had a more 'USA IS GREAT, *WAVES FLAG' feel to it and we need a group to get people over. Just throw every none USA superstar in there(well Sheamus did last a long time so maybe), even the Candian's most of the WWE crowd doesn't even know/care about that their not USA BASSEEEEEEEED.

Oh wow that is pretty bizarre that something like that still exists and is profitable. But yeah America seems to live in their cars(AND WE LIVE OF FISH AND CHEESE) so that seems to be pretty logical. The drive ins cinema, which is the most relatable thing we had over here, over here never were a huge succes through a

Also semi related to this episode because i'm interested; what for fast food branch is sonic, what do they serve and does it taste any good? Greetings from the Europa union which is laughing and point at England 24/7 these days

I felt like playing the Macho and Elizabeth together song when Ryder leapt in Big Show arms

Been a huge fan since Fur and Gold's tracks got allot of play on MTV2(remember that Euro people when that was awesome) and that/ the marvellous follow up two Suns soundtracked allot of my anti-social holiday jobs. Still I find it pretty insufferable that she gets compared to Bush/Amos and they get lauded in the same

The reboot of This Feel Terrible was recorded and uploaded in feb of this year and she talked about going to South by south west this year. Listen back a bit and it's all pretty vague because she talks about doing harmonquest shows at South which were also recorded. No idea, but she is indeed still in the series with

Yeah I was really expecting something quite bad but it's really well written stuff with strong guest stars and well written punchlines. It seems that Dan really enjoys being in it also.

Not really, she talks about going to return to America(she lives in Ireland now) it during the return episode of her own excellent podcast This feels terrible to do voices for this if i'm right. This was recorded around South By southwest when she returned to the states for a tour shortly. Looking now back a bit they

It''s a weird little uneven show with a strong ending and pretty meh to godawful episodes beside that. Still the ending was really quite good so i'm going to at least watch a bit. Liz Gillies does soften the eyes a bit(i find her way more attractive then Dennings's sue me). Leary is pretty good to great in his old guy

Also be sure to watch the weekly roh show this week; it's the pilot/try out thing of woman of honor. Great stuff on there. You can stream it on their site for free, it's still not on there but it will be there soon.…

I've always been quite aware of the British scene because when I go see indie shows(which is far less often then I want to) it's at wxw in Oberhausen which has a hefty import on British talent at times. Also huge ICW mark since pretty early, jumped on progress like a year back and been on the ship ever since.

Should rewatch it because I haven't seen it in ages and love me a solid romcom even more when it includes Jason Lee even I can't get around him being one of the most horrid Scientology supporters out there