Windmill Owner

This season has been more of a slow burner which is the smartest thing they could do after their excellent flashy burn of a first season. The storylines are great(the cop one mostly) and the quality of matches has improved also. Even the lesser matches are fun to watch. Man i feel like breaking it down in over and

Yeah, I think they are going to have him slowly let loose of his cult leader persona(Harper and Rowan make a great loose tag under their gimmick, Braun will get lost in shuffle but nobody will cry about that) and make him a tweener at first. Bray does has loads of charisma(just like his brother brilliant used his) and

I still hear fridge every time they say it.

I don't want to spoiler allot but were getting someone returning who you never expected and we finally get Taya vs Ivelisse

Also here is our favourite gentleman and (ex)-Chikara/Kaiju Big Battel ring announcer Gavin Loudspeaker/Louden Noxious doing a rocking born to be wild(…

Numero's great vinyl boxes had me selling away all my Unwound records(which sell for +30 dollar prices for the original kill rockstar pressings now) to get enough money to buy all the great remastered and so well done Numero boxes which now come down to 4 including two albums each. Amazing company with some of the

I was deadset fanboying for Owens to win the Briefcase because I feared if Dean won it we would get a week/month long 'will he or will he not' set-up. But this was a extremely rewarding pay-off and in kayfabe showed that the lunatic sweaty fridge is one of the smartest holders the briefcase had. Still the MOITB match

One of the worst on the roster even. All her promo's are so forced but also weirdly enough lack any emotion which makes them insufferable. Pretty much the only reason why she is still on the roster is for being comedy fodder on Total Divas and I don't know for how long she will be when the new legion of NXT woman get

It's intriguing at least but I agree with most comments that the dialogue gets very clunky on times and sometimes it just overshoots itself in heavy handed political satire. Still enjoying/interested(my feelings are somewhere between) enough to stick it out for a bit longer. Winstead's does the best she can do with

It's now clear at least that she was arrested and handcuffed to a hospital. The godawful pro wrestling sheet says it was for real and not Total Divas related but most likely it will be a new angle on Total Divas about her real life relationship with Alberto Del Rio. Because it all sounds a bit to forced and weird to

Even through all the nonsense and extremely bad booking he is still pretty over. People been rooting for him to return and he seems to to be in the best shape he has ever been in. Also poor Luke Harper who is by far the best worker of the Wyat's still being sidelined with a knee injury.

If you want to feel your less then a douche-bag then allot of other males and sad about you having a penis, do visit it.

It's great that such a stupid on purpose but smartly written show has been churning out such a great slew of episodes. While this one wasn't my favourite(that one still goes to Tribeca's Day Off, only because Cecily Strong is delightful and ironic Bill Murray is the best Murray) it was again a near perfect hit of

Dear mister Viking,

Even more they sold quite a bit of their company this week so we won't be done with them (luckily enough) for quite a while

Just read it the godawful news. Didn't have to many dealings with him on here but the ones I had were extremely pleasant. Also him giving a shoutout to the immortal great Kaiju Big Battel 'art wrestling' promotion on his page is so good.

It was 2 hour regular NXT show which was fine. Dillinger vs Andrade "Cien" Almas was way to short because it mostly was designed to get Almas over but it got Dillinger more over. Both man work great together but 5 minute is way to short. Revival vs Alpha was clearly a end of Alpha in NXT, there going to the main after

But Chris Eigeman wasn't in one of the best indie bands of the 80's and didn't write the whole score for that movie. He was a perfect choice because his reputation of being a grumpy kind of a asshole guy(having a affair with his bassist while still being married comes to mind) and brings to rough hostile feeling to