Windmill Owner

Dirtnap keeps putting out some of the best hookey catchy (power-pop) garage these days and these guys are some of the best on the label. Also those EU tourdates are the best news I saw today.

*cue to the gawker offics where a sad Nick Denton has his spotify repeating hogan's theme:

Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones are SNL players and Wiig was one prior so that might help a bit. Melissa McCarthy is the odd one out but she has been great in so many odd things I think she will be fine in her role.

Yeah but hollywood doesn't like to gamble any-more with it semi-big titles since great original content like Speed Racer flopped horribly at the boxoffic. If this is going to be a succes, it can swing both ways in the most extreme sense of the word, it seems more likely that were getting a new original take on

Don't forget his role in God's Not Dead 2!

Same for me, I enjoy all the cast members in a variety of drama and comedy roles they played before it but the trailer just really looked like a bunch of tired remake humour. If a movie still is holding up it's ghostbusters so it isn't at all in need of a remake. A nice new fully original take on it with a all female

Keep away from my stupid childhood movies French woman. This is already way to SJW and feminism has been a growth on hollywood for now forever. Just give me a full male remake of Ghostbusters starring sad Bill Murray and fat Dan Aykroyd in a total lifeless carbon copy of their beloved movies with some nice internet

I always hated those covers, luckily I have the old Dutch paperbacks editions from (I think) the 70's which have these really cool abstract paintings like covers. Their also by far the best translation of the book I read so far.

It's also a showcase at how great of a song writer Gerry Goffin and Carol King were. The chorus in combination with that galloping drum beat, that little talking bit in the middle, the falsetto vocals nearly ending every verse and that returning guitar riff make it the most catchy of all the monkees songs for me.

Yeah it's sad when they finally have a product which is overall of very good quality they most likely are selling a controlling part of the promotion or stopping pretty soon. Viewing grades at POP still have been way better then expected because they played up Angle's leaving as a whole tour which showcased allot of

Small edit were getting Jade vs Sienna at Slammiversary after last night's impact. Also x-division match was annouced and it's a four way; Trevor Lee vs. Andrew Everett vs. DJ Z vs. Eddie Edwards. Count me hyped.

Great match, Summer is great on mic but the completely stupid and off topic commentary by Ziggler just made me mute the sound.

It's a gimmicky card; The Tribunal vs Grado/Shera, Decay vs BroMans are two comedy matches and ofcourse Hardy vs hardy in a full metal mayhem match is going to be so stupid that it's great, but there are some great matches on the card. Lashley has been on a roll lately feuding with Galloway and they work great of

Yeah same, the man is a legit powerhouse with allot of technical wrestling skill to back it up. He's one of the few wrestlers who is as good as a face as he is heel. His accent wouldn't hurt that much either because NXT is home of the funny accents.

TNA seems to be at a steady climb since Angle left and Trevor Lee became X Division champion. They lost some people who got really boring in their promotion(Roode and Young) but got some new great talent(Allie, Mike Bennet and Sienna) and hit hard reset on nearly all the storylines. Beside that knockouts PPV(which

Watch out for Kalisto getting bothered by dark looking figures lead by someone called the higher power. It will end like this: *hooded big guy enters, gets unmasked by Kalisto 'It was me Kalisto, it was me being in a weird meta contract angle all along. Now i'm going to beat John Cena and become the fan favourite'.

This is going to be really long but I feel like writing:

While extremely silly this feud has been allot better then you would think it would be. Love Matt Hardy's stupid 'gone insane' gimmick and it's a nice headliner feud beside some great wrestling going on right now in TNA. Mike Bennet is the best cocky heel on tv in ages.

Ryback still isn't officially fired(yet), it's pretty unknown what his situation is but WWE said he is at home taking a hiatus because of the contract disputes.

Beside making one of the most still watchable 60's artifices(Head), pretty much inventing the music video and being the first manufactured band to cut loose from their teeny bopper imago with some great spych-pop this side of The Zombies it's great that the monkees are now nearly up there with allot of the classic