Windmill Owner

Yeah it's really ugly but be glad he has longer hair these days which makes it look quite a bit better. Also it's a dead ringer for Randy Orton's godawful back/neck tatoo(https://s-media-cache-ak0.p… which draws less attention because Orton has his whole arms inked and it kinda flows over to that horrible tattoo.

Everything looks normal beside a dancing Jason Albert/Tensai

Straight back at ya. Yeah it's allot but it just replaces my series/movie free time for 2 weeks or so which i'm completely fine with. It was clear from the start Ospreay was going over in NJPW. Their trying to promote him as their new ace/super face because since Nakamura's has gone to wwe and through Tanahashi's

He looks a bit like Chris Angel , he didn't have a beard when they debuted in NXT ions ago.

For me my weeks has been pretty much come home from work and watch Super Junior. It's a delight and in some way i'm glad the Young Bucks got injured because i've been really liking Finlay so far.

Owens is the MVP for holding the briefcase. Let's look at the other contenders:
-Jerk Jericho is great but he doesn't need it, also he might want to take time off soon
-While ADR's matches have been kind of fun of late he still is extremely bland and I can't think of a scenario where holding the briefcase gets him

Love how the input file is also named lol dongs, because ofcourse.

It's more a dig at the general boring plots of the Marine. In the first one Cena rescues his kidnapped wife, in 2 Ted DiBiase Jr(yeah really) saves his wife, in 3 The miz saves his two sisters and in 4 which breaks the code The Miz has a female agent beside him.

I mean Axel and to a current region Slater look like they fit in nicely in a action film. But Bo Dallas, is he going to be the comic irritating best buddy?

The marine 5 which will feature Maryse , Noami and the 3 remaining social outcasts Bo-training to save Miz's sister/wife/girlfriend!

It was also used in the 2009 Star Trek movie which was released and in production before MCA died(when the clause of no advertising came in the works). It most likely seems the Beastie Boys made the Star Trek franchise a one of because they have done it before and it's very openly referenced in the teaser. Body Moving

Ah ok, all the information became a bit mushy for me thanks for clearing it up.

Mark E Smith loathes them to the point to forbidding his band members to go to a Pavement gig if we belief that rumor. Slanted is pretty much The Fall around This Nation Saving Grace playing 80's American indie.

The cars's first one and to lesser extend Candy-O are still much in demand second hand records for young people who like hook filled power-pop. Just like Cheap Trick pretty much. Also I like CSH but he is coming as a snotty kid in all this noses, of-course you can homage a other artist but when you used (a bit of)

There's this horrid Lindsay Lohan cover of it which my high school girlfriend used to play to death, so that ruined my love for that great song completely. It was also sampled in The Contrast's brilliant modern Drum and Bass classic Days Go By

They also have a very interesting 'no music can be used for advertising' clause in their contract since MCA died(it was in his will). Is funny that brand still get idiotic enough to use songs without permission; Monster energy used snippets of Sabotage," "So What'cha Want," Make Some Noise" and "Looking Down the

Her turn as a autistic girl in fly away is great even the movie was really well flat and to moral. Loved Sassy Pants which is this really well done and adorable young adult movie. Also she just turned 24 this month and most likely will do some semi-indie stuff now. Also she is absolute gorgeous, so if she is going to

Quit during season 4 because it just became a plastic copy of it's former self without the witty writing or charm, the only really fun part was Sadie working a food truck. Ming getting the boot was the worst part because it meant even more Tamara and Jenna drama which just grew a tad bit tired already.

No thanks, it nice to geek out about a band you really really like. Dropping Million Dead name made me listen to A Song to Ruin for the first time in maybe 7 years. A-class post-hardcore which is a sad reminder of how Turner is a great vocalist but now is mostly throwing his talent away with perfect passable but

Yeah his several pushes were pretty godawful but when he is circling he mid-uppercard without a title shot he is most of the time very enjoyable. Heck his heel run when coming back was allot of fun till he won the title.