Windmill Owner

Chris is as awkward and likeable you can get your sitcom characters that they still relate to real life. One of my best mates is a Chris; he has a very varied sexual past and beside being one of my trusted friends he mostly comes of as a sexual perverse oddball I feel enlighten to count him among the people I hold

I only got around watching season 1, so through luck I seem to have avoided some bad stuff.

I miss Fresh Meat, when the first serie ran I just was finishing up school myself and it wasn't very relatable but is one of the less patronizing shows about university on tv. It made for perfect binge watching also on hang over days. Extra cred because it showcased the talented side of Jack Whitehal as a comedic

Siblings is delightful. Even some of it's story lines are kind of boring and bland the cast is some of the best to grace a BBC comedy show in a while. A-class banter also and Charlotte Ritchie is pretty much the best at being loveable but godawful at the same time.

If Catastrophe is channelling a beloved FX semi rom com it's the poorly canceled Married not You're The Worst. Worst and Catastrophe are not very relatable expect both have realistic characters, are relationship based and have great comic writing but the hassle of dealing with kids and the pressure that it can put on

Somewhere a jezebel editor is having a angry fit about this comment. Or it's about her losing her job because Gawker is nearly going out of business.

I'm looking forward to it, Dice is a dividing audience figure with his comedy persona but out of character he always comes of as a well worded smart man. Were speaking here of a man who did a parody of a certain stereotype(street smart bruiser) and that became his audience. His first shows were childish and look

Ofcourse because nearly nobody comes near to such a great style as Neville in his PAC and NXT years. The non-kayfabe promo packet they did for him a while back made him look like a really likeable person and he got himself over but he just misses a certain link like you say above here with crowds. Also I still need to

He's not Neville short who has been in the twilight zone called the lower-midcard for ages now before he got injured. Yeah he isn't really made for story telling or promos, in the indies he mostly just showed up and did his moves and everyone was happy. But in NXT and main event WWE you need to cut at least a decent

I can do without the Miz also but I don't see those 3 being called up in this month so you kind of have to make lemonade with the lemons you already have. Weird ex-reality tv lemons who have a really blonde wife.

It has a better built up ADR and Kalisto already. People been cheering on Ryder amazingly lately so I guess they give Miz(who has been doing nothing of any signifiant for some time) a small run with it to get some real heel in ring heat at him. Ryder is pretty much the person they want for making the IC a bit more of

Scotty 2 Hotty without me having the urge to punch him in the face after every word he utters. So a improved Scotty 2 Hotty

Its funny that 2011 superstars have some people rocking it up in the indies/overseas right now, not all in the wwe main at the time but it remains funny to look at: Matt Sydal/Evan Bourne, Drew Mcintrye/Drew Galloway(who does loads of indie stuff beside being great in TNA), Yoshi Tatsu in NJPW, Serena Deeb who sadly

Apollo Crews is a way better fit for RAW/Smackdown then he is for NXT. He is a powerful pretty bland baby-face with a flashy style and a physique Vince loves. He's going to get over well in the midcard on RAW, better then his meh run on NXT so far.

I'm down for the IC title hijinks because Ryder and Miz work great together plus you can get Ryder over as a die-hard babyface through it. I never really Maryse beside being the bored girlfriend of Ted jr on NXT the gameshow years but this didn't feel forced at all. Good stuff, playing Miz again up as the great

His only match was Joe-Finn on takeover.

If you guys will be doing this please get Drake Younger who does loads of NXT matches. He is one of the most liked referees out there and is himself a (amazing) pro-wrestler who is in Combat Zone Wrestling hall of fame.

Lets do a con's and pro's :

Pre-show match commentary was good also but I hope we get Mauro and Graves+Phillips who are currently the best announce team they got in team setting.

Pre-show notes: