Windmill Owner

A solid SNL is always a good thing, nothing really stood out but all the sketches were stellar and quite wide in range(the physical comedy of Thrones, musical oddity in space pants and a parodying beloved children stuff). Dinklage just looked like was having fun which is always the best kind of host and I quite liked

Alcoholic deadbeat uncles and sad divorced aunts rejoice!

I am kinda tired of him because that was around the time I started picking up WWE again as a young adult and it was pretty bland. Good matches but rehashing everything sure made me dislike Cena and Orton for ages. Still I like Orton allot when he is put in a interesting match like last years great bout with Seth

Kayfabe never dies. Their now wresteling in a obscure dojo in Japan against the great kabuki

AKEEM, man that was wrong on so many levels and a waste of the one man gang who is legit fast powerhouse for his size. Guy is now a prison guard if I remember correctly and still does wrestle on indies sometimes. Still the twin towers(Akeem and the Big Boss Man WWF v.1) were a awesome tag team that could really go and

Most likely because Rick Derringer who used to play with the McCoys, steely dan,Todd Rundgren and edgar winter among others did loads of work on the record.

Beside the silliness ECW was a interesting brooding ground for various styles. They mostly booked 2 'garbage matches'(the bloody weapon matches) and for the rest booked the cards full of great lucha and mat based wrestling. You get people like Super Crazy and Tajiri putting on great matches supported by some great

At least, when he keeps taking time to rest from his injuries(like he does now) he will make 40 easily when he doesn't get injured. He most likely will be like Jericho by then, still technical sounds and great to watch but just a tad bit slower matches then he was doing at 28.

He does have various Talent Wellness Program violations to his name and has spent quite a bit of his career injured. But at 35 he still is extremely solid in ring, even his by the numbers style isn't a favourite of mine his technical side is very sound. Him being pretty bland in promos also doesn't help.

Reigns has the potential to be a well liked babyface but he has been pushed to death for 2 years straight now and nearly nobody(some causal fans and kids) is into it. It's not like he is the worst wrester or the worst speaker(still he is very bad at promos most of the time) but it's mostly the point where WWE

The Network now has reach a point that it's well worth the ten odd dollars/euros you pay for it pro month. Mostly through it's amazing collection of wwe/f's ppv but also the classic stuff in the vault; old school NWA from the ric flair days and so much more. This was all added pretty recently and is amazing.

I bought this Bob Orton 80's WWF figurine a while back in a yard sale and it has taken a nice place on my work desk. Would loved to see Orton work live in his prime because he was/is such a great stiff worker and talented guy.

One 80's wwe record? There are two of those glorious pieces of godawful 80's wrestling. You got the wrestling album and you got Piledriver which includes Mean Gene slaughtering Rock and Roll, Hoochie Koo, a lovely love duet by Hillbilly Jim, the immortal Honky Tonk Man theme, of course Vince's pompous hilarious Stand

The man doesn't age. It's like he is a real life snake and sheds his skin every time he pisses off a female wrestler.

Taker is the most old school active wrestler on the wwe payroll and it has been widely known that he prefers to go out with a loss because that is how in old school wrestling you left. Mostly to pass the torch and kickstart a newer wrestler but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Still i think it's really likely

True that, it was nearly as bad as Rey's run but still I enjoyed everything else about his run. They picked up the slack later a bit luckily enough but then soon u-turned in the godawful Sting angle and other stuff.

Oh yeah forgot about that mostly because i'm terribely out of touch with Japanese wrestling expect the ROH-NJPW crossovers. The whole huge event their doing there which has Kaiju, shimmer and evolve is great.

He sure has that DILF look down to perfection. Grey hair looks great on him.

Also wrestlemania weekend is giving us new shimmer tapings and Evolve has some great indie cards lined up. Ricochet vs. Will Ospreay, Sami Callihan vs. Ethan Page on 58 and Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Will Ospreay+other cool stuff on 59 which are shot back to back and are streaming live. Also because Evolve ends both days

He was in good shape at the oddball UR Fight also. His match with Angle was perfect passable but also boring.The full match is on youtube and Rey is decked out in all El ray/underground gear in it.