Windmill Owner

100% agree. Taker can still go but the wear and tear of wrestling nearly 30 years has made him switch to a quite boring style in my opinion and the Undertaker character has been solely a marketing thing for years. They bring him in when ratings are lacking and it works but most of his builds are godawful. To be said

Bayley vs Asuka is going to be interesting for me because I feel Bayley is just stuck in NXT nowadays without something really interesting to do expect rehash her underdog storyline 20000000 times. I hope Asuka wins because she is really over with the crowd and will push the network a bit more in Japan which seems to

Stuff I loved about warfare top fifteen:
1. Joe Ryan locking himself outside the ring
2. Dragon Azteca Jr. being well awesome
3. PJ Black making a perfect rudo ***holes pack with Jack Evans
4. Pentagon Jr. being Pentagon Jr, a facish heel or a heelish face
5. Matanza looking great
6. Famous B being ringside and giving

The main was one of the strongest they had in years in my opinion. Cementing Rollins around wrestlemania as one of the best booked and acting heels in recent years because while his Sting feud and other Triple h and steph stuff made him really quite weak before he got injured which is a shame. Because he is the pure

Well it's a odd card. The female wrestler tag team match can swing all ways but for me so far I like the concept mostly because it includes Summer Rae and main roster Emma. Triple match with Lynch, banks and Charlotte will be a barn burner. For the rest their are only 3 matches out of 11 I won't enjoy for quite allot

It's nice the show remains not afraid of talking about social issues but doesn't need to dramatize them that much and gives a pretty on the surface take on the subject because ofcourse it is limited by it being a comedic tv show.

Great episode. Only part that put me of was the Personal pizza bit because it reminded me the whole episode of the great punk band Personal and his pizzas which makes me wonder if it's not a small injoke.

I quite liked Hello I Must Be Going, it's nothing world shocking but yeah beside a wonderful Laura Veirs score she is by far the best part about it.

Beside being gorgeous and having flawless hair it was nice to see her play quite a big role. Beside her amazing turn in Heavely Creatures, but i'm a cheerleader and quite a bit of (great) indie movies she is mostly playing supporting cast in all roles she plays. The raw sadness she brought to Togetherness made her way

Are you going to wear a bandanna in court. Because it seems that wins you cases

If he is getting a Donna Noble like run(comedic but some real good development of the character also) i'm quite down for that. Cohen can play pretty good straight and should be a interesting sidekick

I hope that Amanda Crew's character again has more screen time this season. Monica was the perfect straight (wo)man for the nerdy hijinks of Pied Piper dev team. Also zach woods's jacket could be the main joke the whole series because that thing is godawful and beautiful at the same time.

Hey Gawker, Hogan's theme has never been more relatable then now:

Yes, i'm down for IC champ Reigns(and sidekick status) because it's a title that seems to fit him allot better. If WWE just stops pushing him to the moon, keep him away from the title picture a while and just let him feud with some people it will soften people on Reigns.

Sure that in the start, but in the recent years he has been less soul sucking then before and even got Rusev over in a huge way before WWE misbooked him.

While you can hate on Cena his never say die boy scout attitude got himself over because it feels like he is also this in real life. It's why I like Cena when he is not having boring matches with Orton because he is a infectious ray of sunlight that doesn't loose that much.

I cant stand 2016 U2 but October remains one of my favourite indie records from the 80's. The most post-punk U2 ever sounded also, gloomy and sedated goodness which lyrical is just great. Loads of mind of conflict lyrics from Bono about his mother's passing, Christianity and just giving up his dream of being in a

Terry shouting at (very cute) kittens was hilarious and showed again that Terry being personal effected or irritated by someone/something brings out the best of Terry Crews' comedic skills.

Ah I always really liked the gimmicky title because it made for some nice throwaway segments and gave the whole middle-lower card something to do.

Hey it seems the article made it to the lovely Squared Circle reddit(one of the few nice places to talk about wrestling online beside here) with some very positive comments and some other interesting points about the Ziggler/Ambrose stuff.