Windmill Owner

Yeah personal issues that are very petty, it's a shame. I guess their keeping away from a Luna Vachon induction because of her drug overdose death. It might be odd but their aren't individual entries in the HOF that died of a overdose (or suicide). For groups, well The Von Erichs are in there but that mostly has to

Yes 30000 times yes. Even more after seeing her, Ivory and Blayze on what must have been one of my favourite 'shoot' things in recent; their episode of table of 3. But yeah Molly Holly is one of my favourite female wrestlers ever in the WWE. Great at promos when given a shot, great in ring and even cared her unwilling

If you want to induct a attitude woman wrestler on skill(which means nothing in the HOF) or well presence you only pretty much got Jacqueline and Ivory left because of the Sable and Debra lawsuit/claims. I didn't grow up in the Attitude era but what I saw of Jacqueline in ring is really solid, same goes for Ivory,

I'm just waiting for the moment he is coming out to sparklers and fire extinguishers smoke. Ryback is the worst.

Love it, seriously turning her heel and dragging her leather skinned eternal evil dad into it was the best way to do it. The heat is pretty much about her 'thinking' she's the best and backing it up(The Bella's tried to get that heat also but yeah in ring skills….). The conflicts of her good/bad actions are indeed

It funny to me that vince/dunn still hasn't learned from the original Reigns fiasco; Rocky Maivi. Blander then bland superstar(give it to Reigns he is allot better in the ring then Rock at that time) turns heel and slowly becomes fan favourite to return as one of the biggest faces ever. We have seen already that

Man Big's is a former IC champ, it's hard to remember it because he was defending it against people like Swagger, Axel and Sandow. But yeah if their is anybody ripe for a shot at the titles it's E even I hope they just do it under the new day banner.

If your referring to the second song she preformed: It's called Be Alright and it's coming out on her new record which is due around may I guess. There are some snippets of it online but no full release yet so it was nice to hear it in such a nice version now.

It got renewed for some reason even the reception and viewer grades weren't very good. Still there is some real good stuff in it(which mostly includes Gillies whose character is better then Leary's one most of the time) but it kinda gets drowned out by boring plot lines, lame jokes and some bad writing mostly in the

It's way more a hefty B-/small C. For a pilot they are pretty well played into each-other and the chemistry is there but the jokes are just to easy or fall flat because they are dragged out quite a bit in this 20 minute show. Still this could be good given some more polish.

I might have been overselling them a bit because superchunk are
amazing but they have this very good pop edge to their nervous little rock songs which are all very catchy and good.

They really got that catchy brand of spikey pop 'punk' Superchunk had going for them in their early career down. Their a tad bit more punk but still the stuff will keep sticking around in your head for ages.

There's footage of that infamous den heague gig where Giddy got naked, run around, got bottled quite allot of times and just went bad on drugs. It's as hilarious and weird as you suspect. Shame it only focusses on the stage(…

Don Giovanni are the best. I mean any label that puts out Laura Stevenson, Screaming Females and priests is already my favourite label by default. They release so much beside 1 or 2 duds(roadside grave didn't really do it for me) it's amazing how stellar their output is. From Stevenson's melodic take on Liz Phair 90's

Amazing book, already on my 4th copy of it through losing it by lending it out to people who i've lost touch with or moving. Still the go to book for everyone who was born to late and it still seems to be as much as a go to book for various music fans as when it came out.

Cliffhanger 2.0, you see it coming for ages, forget about it through the extremely boring nature of the character and then IT'S THROWN IN YOUR FACE. Well done younger, well done.

Good rebound(….) after last weeks horrid written borefest. Speaking of boring, Kelsey's fiancée has his first slightly interesting sub plot and it's about him being a dickhead. Beside being a bored and unimpressed guy at his girlfriend's accomplishes, he can now add cheating to his so interesting mix. Glad they seem

The moment where Bobby was alone in the room and didn't know what to do has happened to me before irl. It mostly reminded me what a nervous dork i am and how relatable it is. Missed this show, smart old school sitcom with a cast that all play so well of eachother. Hope Nekeisha will return still.