
They died for our fucking entertainment!!!

Shoulda sent him to Paul Stanley’s boot maker.

I know, right? Throw a force pike, you’re bound to hit an old white man.

A StarWarsStory . . .

Lando is an effective manager! He knows when a deal is getting irretrievably worst.
All the time.

Han Furrow

Anybody but Penbrook!

Because that’d

You’ve given it more thought than I have. Craig’s Solo would ALWAYS shoot first.

Just googled that at work because I had no idea who she is!

“Welcome to Planet Ellis Island. You’re name is...Luke...uh, LaserBrains. You are...Chewie WalkingCarpet, and, oh Christ,*looks down* Stain-On-Tie. Enjoy the Empire, stay out of trouble!”

Yeah, um, it’s his father...I mean she’s his daughter...what, granddaughter? Fine, what ever...Faster, more energy!!!

Not as long as they insist on this “family-friendly violence”.
“Oh there’s no blood because lightsabers & blaster bolts cauterize as they cut or blast through your tender body!” I never cared for that one.

No, sorry, we were looking for “What the hell is an Amber Ruffin?” Let’s see how much you wagered...ooh, too bad!

Yeah, they could stick her in a bacta tank and stitch her back together as some sort of Zombwie Thandiwe.

“Space pants”? You know, according to the Law of Lucas, there’s no such thing as bras in this galaxy. I wonder if they have Spanx...

Ex-CUZE me?!

Damn, Cranston’s making sense over here...GIT ‘IM!!!

He’s really been trying to stop murdering people! He’s down to two a day. Guess cold turkey doesn’t work for everyone.

It’s just like that.
I guess Xena: Plucky Spunky Princess wouldn’t have attracted as many viewers. Kinda sounds as if Ramona Quimby was a Viking. With her fellow pluck fighters: Polly Wolly Doodle The Decapitator and Strawberry Shortcake, Mistress of Numchuks!