
I’ve always wanted to see Lucy lawless play “plucky”.

Yeah, I’m a fan, but it doesn’t make me want to see a series about Wednesday solving crimes & mysteries (?) at Nevermind School for Grunge Kids.

You got Thora in my Riki!

She can change shoes really quickly and can use her mind to determine what pet should be paired with what TV or movie character.
Not very useful; some powers just kinda suck.

What if the AV Club put out some kind of fortune cookies or Sweethearts candy with all the standard comments on or in them?
“Who is Amber Ruffin?”
Grey’s Anatomy is STILL on the air?!”
“Oh you picked this hill to die on?”
“Sir/Maam, this is an Arby’s.”
“Tig Notaro, Tig Notaro, Tig Notaro!”

What if Franklin was a sassy hip-hop musical called B-Frank & The Continental Vaxxy Bunch?
I’m just asking questions here.

Is that a snow globe on Free Thinker’s grave?

Remember the old days when pop stars used to cultivate serious heroin addictions? That might mellow him out a little.

Excuse me, the Amber Ruffin thread is over there -> -> ->

Do they? Who does? Bring them to me, that I might slap their faces until such time as they learn common sense and taste!

Pablo, honey, please . . . go back to Florida . . . and stick your head in an alligator.

You mean I can run him over with my car with no real legal or moral consequences?

“No suh’...that was me!”

Prozac? Or as Yea callz it “Zac”!

Secondly, John Monopoly sounds exactly like who Yee would hire as his bin’iss manager. 

Good thing he’s not on Geffen.

So we got Bu, Ye n Da & dey  all in 2 Jailz? Right?

“No reason to bring race into it”?! Buddy, this is the AV Club!

Daniel Craig?
