
Yeah. I'm going to rewatch BoT now because she is just great.

Nobody mentioned the "in another time they'd have been cowboys" speech? That was hilariously meta.

Are you confusing odds with payouts? 1:1 is statistical certainty.

I would love to read the Asmodeus side story!

The shower magic scene was one of the most heartbreaking things I've seen in a while.

Um, Reva was in Jessica Jones.

Getting rid of cash and shifting over to a fully traceable electronic currency is most definitely something the government gains power from. Price said the government could have all of the access to the transactions it wants. That's how Price was able to sell it.

I find no mystery in Angela hooking up with an old dude. After last week's smackdown by her new boss, she's realized that she really will need to seduce Price. Before she can do that, though, she has to overcome her revulsion. She's practicing.

At this point, I wouldn't even blink if that's the case.

I also thought expectations would be subverted. So my expectations were subverted. Esmail is a master of meta-subversion.

So this glaringly obvious retread of The Mist and The Body gets a pass while other shows that actually subvert their tropes get picked apart. This series was B at its best, and mostly a stale, rehashed, could-see-it-coming-from-Andromeda C. That being said it's one of the better Stephen King adaptations. I hope he

They addressed the Margot/Janet thing and put Josh into the mix. A++, would cheer again. Looking forward to the season ender.

As a heterosexual male, if I was granted the opportunity of hitting Margot, hit I would. You have to remember which brain is in charge of 20-something males. Is is wrong? Hell yes. Relationship-ending shit like this is what makes us grow up.

"Like I wanna travel to a blue state never mind other worlds."

This is how you do unreliable narrative! Very well done. I'm not ordinarily blindsided by them, but this one got me hook, line, and sinker.

So good to see Margot back. Janet was short-shrifted until book 3 so it's nice to see the series making good use of her early, although I will never understand the name change. Kady is Asmodeus, which I did see coming but was still good. Next week could get very, very dark as all of the pieces are in place.

So slow-mo facesmash is what does it for you, eh? One or both of us is getting tired because I fully agree with this review, a first for this season.

This episode was a snooze fest. I do have to give kudos to the reviewer since I have yet to agree with anything in any of the reviews so far.

The prolonged fight scene isn't a problem, it's the points of the dilemma's horns. Punisher would have mowed them down. Daredevil beats them into submission. So, we as the audience have to ask ourselves "Slo-mo bullet ballet or full speed face smashing?" This fight is a bookend to the death of the Irish mobsters.

Three things: Will Kady and Juia get together to go up against Marina? I miss Margot! I miss Todd (this last is purely personal :D)