
“Asking” guests anything isn’t Francesca’s style. Telling Karl about the Finals he coached against Jordan sounds more correct.

The aircraft’s primary chemtrail dispenser was inoperative, and officials moved to the secondary method—coating wings in radiation-activated chemtrail materials. At altitude, radiation from the sun’s rays cause the applied liquids to become gaseous, resulting in a (slightly less-intense) chemtrail.

Clemson fans are going talk about this win for years to come. Fortunately, no one else will understand a word of it.

Vince Neil in the front, Vince Gill in the back

As usual, Belichick lies low and lets the highlights do the talking.

Since you told all of us now, it’s not a secret.

In OBJ’s defense, the grounds crew member kept telling him that he’s “not just a member of the grounds crew, he’s also a part owner of the team”.

Mark Sanchez has studied this photo for several hours. And that was before he knew there was a question about missing legs.

“We shoulda had more time.”

Wow, BOTH Ryans. This is a great weight off of the Bills shoulders.

Not sure what it is about McCaffrey but he sure has grit, wouldn’t expect such a selfish decision out of a high motor guy like that.

The Chinese must have forgotten that Thursday is Italian BMT day, not American ROV day.

How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.

Kind of a low ranking for the Fridge. At a minimum, I’m sure he’s well versed in EnergySTAR certification, which has to count for something at DOE.

This is so amazing. The Jeff Fisheriest thing that could ever happen...

On the bright side, this should give the Rams some added leverage when negotiating Fisher’s next contract. 

Well sure, it’s only producing about three inches of snow now, but give it some time and it’ll reach it’s expected output of eight inches.

At least we got what we’ve all been clamoring for from the NFL: non-stop, full-throttle referee action!
