Talk about timing, the gf and I just finished a Mario Party session using Dolphin. My heart goes out the family and to Rachel, rest in peace and thanks for the work in the name of fun.
Talk about timing, the gf and I just finished a Mario Party session using Dolphin. My heart goes out the family and to Rachel, rest in peace and thanks for the work in the name of fun.
To anyone who has bought this: is it a physical card or a code? The listing leads me to believe it's a card... Hoping it's a code like the Amazon ps+ deal.
Excellent! 10/10 made my day.
As I said elsewhere in comments, that's why amazon might arm them. And then add the cloaking device... Sounds like the start of a sweet robot apocalypse to me.
That's when they arm them... Perhaps with lasers. One small step toward Skynet.
Going to have to agree with this. Sure it's not a winner for a business in need of fleet trucks or off road enthusiasts. And it isn't really close to what you want for towing/hauling large, heavy things. But would an average, affordable small truck be purchased for that kind of thing anyway?
I don't doubt that one bit. The inside of the SL was all simple squares and straight lines (which I liked) but that blob of a wheel... Liked the feel though. The horn buttons took serious effort to push too.
It's been fairly reliable, that's about the best I can say. Can't wait to be rid of the thing, haha.
I had a '94 SL2. You're right, I thrashed on it all the time and never skipped a beat. I miss it, "traded up" to an Ion.
Mmm... S-series
Makes sense, I look forward to seeing your progress!
Haha. I recognized Grimace no doubt! I have a bit of rust repair to do, but the underside is clean, so I'm not to worried. My interior is rough and likely contains pounds of dust. I don't think I've seen inside your Supra, those seat covers are pretty telling though, IMO.
CP. As others have said, drop a couple thousand and it'd be about right. There really isn't much of a collector's market for these... yet. I also prefer the later 2nd gen, with the quad rectangular headlights. I picked mine up, in need of a fair bit of work, for $300... But I don't intend to restore to as-stock anyway.
CP. If it were far cheaper and less rusty, it could be a nice turbo swap candidate. I don't think I've seen color pictures of one before...
The last few have been pretty short, at least the wait for more is shorter this time.
First horror movie I remember seeing as a child. The Range Rover segment actually freaked me out a bit. Very cool though.