The whore comment was crappy, but I did feel she exhagerated on the make-up at that time, her cheeks looked like a clown's.
The whore comment was crappy, but I did feel she exhagerated on the make-up at that time, her cheeks looked like a clown's.
As I said elsewhere, don't forget that by the time Mike screwed up, he was already at the chopping block. You can argue it was still salvageable at that point, while after the Auction it wasn't, but it is not like he ruined his game.
I really wonder what Mike could have done differently. He was just the biggest threat, and there was nothing he could do about it. As he said, there were times no one would talk to him for days. When he had some room to manouver he always tried to throw the alliance against each other, and it worked, but after the…
I think the exact opposite. Woo was perhaps the closest ever to making the so-called million-dollar mistake. If there is anyone that fits the Second Chances theme is him.
I also thought it was weird when Dan said he met Rodney's sister. So Rodney has two sisters (I hope)?
I know I'm an outlier on this one, but I'm quite sad tha Carolyn didn't get chosen. I feel she deserves it way more than Shirin. I actually don't like that Shirin was chosen, I liked her in this season, but I feel her arch is completed, it won't be much different second time around. And she has a way of making…
I can't see how people think Woo is worse than Keith. That is seriously inconceivable to me.
Rodney was great, I hope to see him again. Dan was an a-hole, but one could argue he is good television. Will shouldn't have been there, his presence was either zero (most of the time) or hugely negative (with Shirin).
By the way, was this the first time they had confessionals from family members? I am not sure, but I got the feeling that is very unusual.
I think people are too harsh on Mike. He made his mistake at the Auction, but that was the only one, and don't forget that he was already on the chopping block BEFORE the mistake (which was what led to it, by the way). After that he did what very few people would be able to do, he chose the right people to take out in…
Keith being chosen is a solid proof that fan vote is a huge mistake.
I think it is top half, at least. I feel time will give this season it's props. It has a top winner, and it is not nearly as boring or one-sided as other top-winner seasons (like One World or RI).
Yes, the "Hey, I have some things I can tell you that you don't realize about yourself" thing was kind of creepy and overbearing.
I think Dan's advantage is a problem just if you plan on voting him out at some point.
Changing a little the subject, one thing I didn't see people commenting on: is this one of the easiest Survivor seasons ever, in terms of actually surviving?
Well, it was good while it lasted. I'm done now.
Yes, I would have thought the 2 necklaces would be way less fair if Shirin had any chance to win it. But Mama C is a monster, I think she could have fought with Mike for it if she had to. She didn't look troubled at all by the time Shirin quit. Well, I don't blame the producers for trying.
It is not. You can look at other people's bags, but you can't take anything from it. Now, if someone hides the HII somewhere in the island, and you find it, then it is yours.
She tried to pull a Sandra: "But I don't know about that…"
I am not saying they are good players, but I don't know if it is as clear-cut as you say.