
@Drogmir: I'll have you know drunk real-time strategy (DRTS) is my favourite genre.

Difference is, the Stone Prisoner was free to ANYONE who bought the game.

@The Cap'n: This sounds a helluva lot better than fixed combos. I may even get back into fighting games if any current franchises start doing this.

@Paacman: I dunno, my mouse here looks pretty 3D too.

@forsinain42: KZ's universe is a lot tighter and smaller in scale, and honestly, the thought put into the politics and plausibility of its backstory impresses me a lot more. But you wouldn't guess any of this from playing the games, as they manage to cast the Helghast purely as villains, and as you said, there just

Any Move support? Considering people will be navigating with one hand.

This is perfect. Ubuntu's guest session system isn't ideal for when I have friends over, and I still want them to be able to access my music and videos anyway. Basically I just don't want to get fraped, but the default behaviour of Fx's master password was too tedious for me.

Egh, no way could these be real. How could you possibly use the controls in those wells?

@Vamplosion: Surely this isn't a hard question to answer, considering there are two games.

@skyfire: Ironic...or something.

I'm interested to find out the controls for melee turn out. Somehow I think pressing square repeatedly and triangle to dodge doesn't cut it when he's fending off multiple opponents and grabbing objects to use as weapons.

As soon as I saw this section on Fallon, I started up a new game of U1. I have enough to play right now godammit!

@freedomweasel: That's what I was referring to - paid DLC in the form of new cars is cool, though it wouldn't make sense when there are still cars to be upgraded.

This is awesome on Polyphony's part... as long as the updates stay free.

@drizzt_rocks: I'm pretty used to pausing and changing the controls as soon as I get into a match at someone else's house.

@Murderdolls: I think the argument against that would be that no paying took place, so it doesn't count :P

A physical copy? Rise of Nations, £1.

Same day as LBP2 in the US... surely that's a bad idea.

Strange how I know no-one who has this game. I'm in the UK, but it's apparently just as popular here.