
"deliberate negative campaign against the country's image and reputation"

@Phaper: It's been specially formatted for a long time, now it's just more apparent.

@Jimothy69: I don't follow. Is mid-afternoon a good time to get stoned?

*Checks the date* Not even close to April... alrightey then.

"A chance to force many people to re-purchase a game they already own."

"The English voice recording is pretty much complete at this point"

We also have to pay £230. Stop complaining.

#1 will never happen. Fx's memory management has improved a lot, but extensions will always find a way to screw that up. Just be smart about how many you use at once.

@KillerBee: The main two points in any GT game are realism (ignoring collisions) and an abundance of cars. Its only real competitor as a simulator is Forza.

This game doesn't exactly sport groundbreaking visuals. In fact, it's about the same quality as DMC4. And is made by the same team. So I think it's safe to say it'll run fine on both consoles.

@excel_excel: Yeah, they even 'confirmed' they'll only be for the Go on Epic Battle Cry, IIRC.

@vickissv3: This guy's comments are certainly on the negative side of things...

@SuicidalEarthworm: I'm guessing there's a shift from action to stealth with difficulty level, a la MGS4.

"I'll get round to it. Just give me a decade or two." That's the British way.

@Rakkoon: Hopefully 3.0's new info system will go towards fixing that.

@mikekearn: That's good to you? I generally like to be able to actually see the film, without obstruction from the palm on my face.

@billysan: It is something new.... =/ I'd honestly be happy (if a little perplexed) with MGS1-quality graphics.

@daantec: How do you figure? Unless you just mean it's your preference.

@Skunky: I like it. It's classy.