
Colours are good for differentiating each controller. That's it.

@DragonNinja: I believe he was talking about the embarrassment factor.

'Marketing sneak attack'? No... I can't see the benefit in not advertising this if it was intentional.

I can't see him ever letting MGS go... He's like a dad with his kid's science project.

Kind of an odd choice to do more on Altair's story considering a) Altair's Chronicles already expands on it and b) it's being released in the same window as AC2, and has interoperability with it.

I can only hear the "revolutionary AI" line so many times without feeling hurt. But, since it's IW, I want to believe this really will feel more like fighting real soldiers.

Any word on how to get rid of the new 'new tab' button?

Does #5 remind anyone else of a certain level in Killzone 2?

Lol, Hen-tie.

None without people?

Why doesn't 'interactive media' engulf games? Unless you mean board games too. Then why does it overlap with 'drama'? Unless you mean Scrabble. Oh the tension...

@xblindx: Yeah, but it's disabled. Otherwise PSPs explode.

Sounds like a good game.

@Jwhite1979: This is a total guess, but since it looks to be handling graphical effects on a large number of images at once, I'd say yes. Even if this isn't the case. I'd never recommend integrated graphics anyway...

That was impressively impressive.

This- I- what...

Someone playing pong with a game of pong. Now.

Birddog, people.

@icepick314: Yeah, I don't quite understand how that happened. Unless there's some insane physics going on there.