
Sony seriously need to get their priorities straight. I see plenty of ads for Mirror's Edge on PS3 (and not 360) while LBP is about 7 places lower than it should be.

GameBoy - the first one.

I just clicked the 'Help' menu to do that and it says 'Downloading Firefox 3.04...'. Since when did it do that?

@strega: Bufixes'll rarely, if ever, do that thankfully.

If it had much bigger storage (or removable media) and SOME buttons, it'd be the best thing for games out there. As it is, you just can't control any serious game with only the touch screen and accelerometer.

Perfecting on old ideas can certainly make some of the best games - how likely are you to get it right the first time?

Not for free? Hmm, I guess Criterion can only be generous for so long. I'll probably pick it up.

Jeez, are girls really like this?

@rateoforange: I find that's the case for the first couple of seconds, but it looks like they kinda got lazy with what effects they use when you actually go into freefall/make impact; I ended up feeling less disturbed than I though I should have =/

@HalcyonX12: To me, that sounds like you'd be rewarded with something like extra content if you unlocked one, but not bad.

Finally, a decent game that uses 4 cores... might have to pick this up.

Screw open-mindedness - this cannot end well.

Wow... I actually jumped back when the audience started.

That picture... I shan't be sleeping tonight.

A sackboy plushie would be the must-have for for every kid, myself included.

Who has ever looked at user scores? It's the sad truth that journalists are always the most trustworthy source.

What's with all these high-quality PS3 mods lately?

Not too sure how a 'zombie' game would work out in a non-MMO. I'd be kinda pissed off to be afraid to start a game. LEST I'M INFECTED.

Paying for a theme? Someone will have to explain that to me.