sloppy joseph

There’s nothing appealing about this and it rightfully got heckled and booed when it was unveiled in front of a crowd a few months ago. There’s more to the STI than brakes, bolt on stiffening, and seats. It’s missing LSDs and DCCD, which makes it decidedly nowhere near an STI. This is merely an option package made in

Just drive it to the scrapyard. WTF is this?

Not sure what false claims you are claiming but yes, Tesla did sell a lot of Model Y’s in Q1 2023. Cars sell quite well when you knock off 20% from the price and the federal government provides $7500 in subsidies. Some state and local governments add even more to the welfare support.

Been huffing a lot of jet exhaust there, Bob?

4680 is a complete flop. It was promised by Musk to be higher energy density and lower cost - a key to make Roadster, CT, and the $25k car. None of those battery claims materialized (and only 1 vehicle became somewhat real). Tesla is not an automotive or tech company, it is a stonk pump company.

To be fair, this sounds more like some wacky CANBUS issue. Vehicles these days run EVERYTHING over their internal network. I remember reading about an F-150 that had a corroded CANBUS connector in the tail light housing and it caused a MYRIAD of problems very similar to what I’m reading here. Everything from

Not to single out Chevy on this, but this is why it is almost ALWAYS a good idea to avoid the first MY of a new car model/platform, there are always teething problems.

Most people with TTP (precheck) already know exactly what to do and could handle this new process just fine. But the unwashed masses in the regular security line? This would be pure chaos.

Soichiro Honda- because he was a drunk maniac.

Don’t worry. Our resident bootlicker will be here to tell us why this is a good thing any second. Much like he did with...every article about Tesla and Musk’s behavior. If knives shoot out of the Cybertruck’s dashboard into drivers’ faces, he’ll explain why that’s a good thing and a brilliant move by Elon.


Still waiting for evidence from a particularly stupid Elon-lover about how Musk is a decent person. Anything. Bueller?


It’s an example of “teaching to a test.” As you said, up to now, the IIHS and NHTSA haven’t really focused on rear-seat occupants, so naturally automakers aren’t putting as much effort into that area. The only automaker that consistently takes a holistic approach to safety and tries to think ahead of the tests is

Looks like it was designed by Teenage Engineering. 

Didn’t you just cry about disagreeing with someone doesn’t make you ignorant. And yet, you have no qualms calling me “Downs”, “mouth-breather” and “Reddit incel” for calling out your disagreement with reality.

No, refusing to look at facts and reality and ignoring the little that comes through is what making you ignorant. The fervor you exhibit to stay ignorant is what makes you militantly ignorant.

What’s hilarious is, the commenters on here who are knocking Jalopnik for criticizing Musk, questioning John Oliver’s reporting, or defending Musk’s views and statements - aren’t even Elon Musk fans most of the time. They’re conservatives who agree with most of what he thinks and says, so an attack on him is an attack

Give Elon credit - his shit show is easily explained as a somewhat effective heroic effort (and sacrifice) to divert some negative attention away from the Orange Jesus.

Ignorance is not a defense.

Go to rehab, elon. I bet you can afford a fancy one.