sloppy joseph

Porsche did the same thing on many aircooled 911 parts and you wont know what you have until you take something apart and match up the parts with exploded view diagrams of the version immediately before or after the car you are actually working on.

Probably, anybody that’s worked on a Benz of that era will marvel at how “big, well-managed German auto companies” seemingly mix-and-matched parts from whatever was available.

This does not shock me.

I was almost never crossing a line just getting close to it - and again these are very narrow roads to being close to a line is inevitable.  You can think I’m a shitty driver, doesn’t matter to me, but I can stay in my lane just fine without any of these assist features

I thought nearly all of them did now. The ND Miata has little hoops similar to an S2000, and all the german convertibles have pop-out bars if they detect a roll over. Serious question - do the Mustang and Camaro not have anything, even on the newer models? I did a quick search and didn’t find anything conclusive or

This whole name change is CP.

Hey GMG herbs: fix your damned commenting. Once upon a time, Kinja actually worked. Get rid of the “click to see all comments” button. Make it work on mobile for more than a week. It can’t be that hard.

old is gold

The classics will always satisfy.

He doesn’t deserve that star.

That what this badge signifies

I’m defending fresh jokes

Also “Automated carwash rated”..can’t have looking dirty....

If they can navigate this, it becomes trail rated.

“It’s 100% pure un-cut Columbian!”

You sick bastard. Coffee shouldn’t be inhaled through the noise. Take your goddamned star, sir.

Why in the world would you want a stick in Los Angeles? 

Same.  I browse the forums or groups when I need to figure out something, but I’m definitely not part of any car communities anymore. 

I had a 2015. It was great until a local dealer did a repair that ended with the car catching fire the day after I picked it up.

affluent middle-Americans who have grown sick of their custom V-twins.