sloppy joseph

This is just a bad take. So many idiots with the “Reeeee manual best” crowd can do the same distracted driving shit.

Well this is just fucking stupid. So rather than “maybe we should address infrastructure” it’s crying about how EV’s are bad?

Lol this conspiracy theory is as bad as “GM killed off Pontiac because they were just about to get good.

Sure. Consumer Reports made Suzuki sell absolute garbage for decades. 

The world has cheap basic cars. The problem is cars last longer than they used to and in most places “Cheap basic cars” means used cars now.

Jalopnik has had several times they’ve been called on their bullshit on “oh if they build it we’ll buy it!”

Using an april fool’s joke to defend Tesla is an interesting low to hit. 

If it’s happened this many times you either need to get her a seeing eye dog, or send her to a driver’s education course.

See that’s asking real questions. Being curious about a subject. And we can’t have that in Jalopnik articles. Instead we need to..... *checks notes*..... Blame children. 

Out of the greys for you.

You’re marketing to the lowest common denominator. Musk has spent a ton of effort to say how “advanced” and “sophisticated” Tesla’s autopilot system is. As well as the constant promise of FSD. The average vehicle buyer isn’t smart enough to know the nuance between the levels of autonomous driving. 

But cobbsport has a picture of a dyno sheet!

The only semi-reasonable choice here is the Accord.

lol the fuck it will. That’s not from Mercedes prime. 

Because Hyundai’s marketing scam isn’t implying that the car drives itself. They aren’t also selling you a pipe dream that you’re just a few short years away from it doing all the work for you. 

Because GM chases sales. Nobody in any meaningful amount would buy those concept cars, especially after the changes made to make them reach actual production. 

Those aren’t rare or “over engineered.” The pop out euro cupholders have always been the near bare minimum for decades.

Eh. I don’t believe you. This site has lied about this kind of thing before. 

Definitely not. No clue how the F150 made this list, let alone the Hybrid variant. 

Counterpoint: it looks awful. But hyundai isn’t paying my bills so I can say that I guess. Forcing Telluride design details on a van to make it look more like an SUV is awful.