sloppy joseph

Yeah most stuff I hear about Soichiro Honda is just about how he is always out of pocket 

Like most advice..... the answer is “it depends.”

It’s not a myth though. Those reliable brands still have issues with the first year or two. It’s just not as glaringly obvious because we’re in an era of shared drivetrains and long drivetrain lifecycles.

This has been the case for years. And generally rather than trying to aim for systemic change, manufacturers instead just keep trying to beat the new test and offset it with larger and heavier vehicles.

Money talks. Hyundai/Kia were big Jalopnik advertisers for a while. It’s why you couldn’t throw a stone without hitting a glowing positive review about whatever product they were shitting out at the time. Usually bad things were downplayed until they became too big to ignore.

Just right out with being a racist piece of shit, aren’t ya?

base boxster isn’t really a rare desirable car.

Really tired of these lazy articles acting like a failed carjacking is some kind of proof of Manuals being “antitheft” devices. Looking at it critically it’s easy to see that this wasn’t a targeted theft like Gone In 60 Seconds or some complex car thieving crime ring. 

They aren’t professional car thieves. Probably assumed the rogue they had stolen was reported hot and went to steal another car. But jalopnik likes to bury the lede with “hurr durr manuals antitheft” 

At that point all you’re doing is rewarding them with a job as a Hyundai designer.

I’m leaning towards the writer being required to make posts like this. Even for a Brownell article, this is bad. And judging by him not attacking everyone in the comments it means he isn’t really feeling these actual answers, or he hasn’t logged back on.

it’s just lazy boomer arguments. And it puts intentional blinders on to other issues because of your bias on “MUH CAR FREEDUMZ”.

OK boomer. It’s just those kids and their damned texting that’s the issue. Guess we can’t talk about any other contributing factors becasue grandpa thinks it’s just iphones and sirius radios. 

They’ve redone the vault and no longer do the guided tours like they used to. This year I think is the first they let you take pictures. Last year they still had some signs up and employees would ask you not to.

This may be hard to believe, but texting has been around longer than 10 years.

Kind of surprised Stalephish and the other simps aren’t here to cry how these are just preproduction tunnels and Jalopnik just doesn’t understand Elon’s brilliant tunnel knowledge. 

People are idiots. And if Jalopnik were any indication of the car buying public, automotive manufacturers would have gone out of business ages ago.

This looks like somebody asked you to draw a Porsche Panamera from memory.

Tbh the off road chops were lost with the R51. And the move to soft roader started with the R50. Nissan did the smart thing and realized their customer base wasn’t actually off roading these things. So they adapted the model to the market.

I get the argument you’re trying to make. But the Continental was based off the Fusion, not the Taurus.