sloppy joseph

Pretty gross over simplification. But the waters of the Magnuson-Moss act are pretty muddied over the years as the law itself hasn’t really come up to speed with the addition of technology.

state inspector here: most people with aftermarket lights installed on their trucks don’t usually run them while driving (at least not around police). It’s also laughably easy to buy an inspection in PA because for the last 30 years they’d give an inspection license to anyone with a pulse.

$20k is just too much for a Miata that just isn’t as good as the regular Miata.

Christ. Could you imagine all the anti-dealer tag frame people on Jalopnik seeing this? They’d be frothing at the mouth rabid with anger. 

Eh. I don’t think people really care about that all that much. It’s a nice marketing point, but it doesn’t really make a big difference with a sale. 

Looks like fairly standard dealer marketing points. All manufacturers do this. It’s not surprising Jeep is doing this as this is the first real competitor aimed at the wrangler. 

Yeah but then they chalk it up to FCA having outdated tech/chassis/etc.

You’d be surprised how many people will be on the fence about getting whatever is latest and greatest. This surprisingly isn’t that uncommon of a marketing tactic. 

That’s just blatantly wrong. And SUVs don’t skirt the rules, no clue where you picked up that idiotic notion from. Otherwise Chrysler spent a lot of time certifying the PT Cruiser as an SUV for nothing.

Honestly they’ve always had styling issues when they tried to be 2 Xtreme and go over the top with styling. This is no exception. It looks like total ass and will age poorly. But you can’t say anything critical about Hyundai, Kia, or Genesis because “ugh it’s a good brand okay?!” Is all you ever get.

Older ones are dog shit. Haven’t seen much about the new ones. Several people I know are on their second and third DCT in their Tucsons. All of them had to dealer hop before a dealer would actually fix it. 

Plenty of failed ball joints on trucks or vehicles hit and knocked over embankments to prove you wrong on that front.

C2 didn’t get t-tops. That was C3.

The rollover did. If I get drunk and while playing with my freedom issued firearm it goes off and I die from the injury, the gunshot killed me not the drinking.

Sorry I hurt your feelings. I am only remarking there’s nothing wrong with the technology. 

There’s a little air deflector on the windscreen frame you can flip up to prevent this.

98% of Porsche owners drive their cars like a Yaris.

People would cry about having to do physical work to remove a targa panel. Then you also have the logistics of NVH with a panel that will no doubt leak like the original targas did. The Targa is largely just a rehash of the cabriolet. So it’s not drastically more complicated.

Every time I see this complaint on a car brought in and test drive with the customer, they are universally just shitty drivers. Are you sure you’re not the weak link here?

Hey now. Don’t be like that. My writing staff worked really hard on that internet comment.