
I can see the test now... “Ok so you are a double arm amputee. Well all you have to do to get your benefits is solve this Rubiks Cube with your toes and we can approve you.”

So basically if you’re a cop, its like that South Park long as you shout “LOOK OUT! HE’S HEADING RIGHT FOR US!!!” you can kill anyone you want.

im from the UP of MI, and that whole area plus northern WI is basically North Redneckistan

I’m just impressed you managed to not mention the Green Bay Packers once in all of that ;-)

and making more babys here means we can justify keeping those scary brown furriners from immigrating here

Paul Ryan and his ilk want a recession, in order to justify killing Medicare/SS etc

including the ones who contracted for Donnie Little Hands

nahhh his family is just going to get a large aquarium so he can blissfully dream of Ayn Rand while floating amongst the fishes

Most male fans that I have seen support Pippas views as well

If you are talking about Pippas car at the Indy 500, its pink because she was sponsored in part by the Susan G Komen foundation. The pink is for cancer awareness.

not even compared to other motorsports. Indycar for instance does not have power steering in its cars, and are physically harder to drive

as long as the rich stay rich.....yes.

Pretty sure Donnie thinks he was elected King Donald I

Republicans are the physical embodiment of the phrase “Do as I say not as I do”

yup, the republicans are gonna wave a $5 in front of the middle classes face with their right hand all while stealing $20 from their wallet with the left.

I never thought i’d see a day where a President of the United States spends his time gaslighting the entire country.

I rather liked this episode. But mainly because Abes comment about now wanting a hearing aid because it will make people think he is old, and Agnes Skinner asking questions/complaining while watching a tv show she doesnt like are both things my grandmother does on a regular basis.

yeah..little league was fun the first couple of years, but after that there was a point where every team i was on had 4-5 kids who would yell and scream at other players when you/they struck out or missed a fly ball. pretty much sucked all the enjoyment out of it. after that i stuck to bowling

well its not a slap in the face to this veteran

Well what good are those wheelchair-bound layabouts anyways? i mean they already get an unfair advantage cuz they get to sit all day long. Thats hardly fair to proper rich white folks is it?