
I assume he said he was a Green Bay Packer fan, Wisconsinites will forgive a lot as long as you love the Packers

A-holes like that always seem to live to a ripe old age, i got a feeling we wont be rid of Donnie for 20-25 years

he does have one independent thought in his head….Trump is great

I know right? all I could think was damn these Nazis for making me agree with effing Ted Cruz!!

Even better, we can covert the US navy back to coal!!

"Acks also has issues with Mount Doom, though he gives it a pass since
it’s “obviously a place of great magic.” That said, he’s still got
plenty of problems with there being a volcano in an area with no
“subduction or rifting zones.”"
Someone should explain Hawaii to him

I feel like we will totally see Donnie on stage ranting about "precious bodily fluids" one day

I cant believe that. Surely the minute you did a pack of Liberal SJWs wearing pussy hats and screaming "Black Lives Matter!!"leapt from the shadows and beat you severely, until you submitted to sign a written pledge to never say Merry Christmas again?

thanks :-)

heh thanks for the invite. :-) I had my own Bill/Hillary beef at one time, of course it was quite silly and the sort of immature thing a 20 year old would think. (my excuse… I WAS an immature 20 year old at the time lol) I was in the Navy when DADT was implimented, and the only thing I observed was that no one

will he adopt me? my dad voted for Donnie cuz, and I quote, "Hillary would be worse" <facepalm>

yeah, listening to Betty Grissom rage at Gus over "that damned compact" makes sense if you've read the book and know about Wolfes idea of the "unofficial military wives compact" and what it is. but its not well explained in the movie

I love the movie but after I read the book i'd have to say it didnt really do a good job of translating some of Wolfes ideas to the screen.

Pansies! Cows!…. Gladiolas!!

< payphone ring >

ahhhhhh, so being uninsured cures cancer? Well shoot! All this time I've been going to the doctor to get zapped with radiation and pumped full of chemo drugs to cure this thing. Well…live and learn i guess. I don't suppose Ryan says it also cures male pattern baldness? <crosses fingers="">


but would President Well Done With Ketchup know the difference?

I suppose thats an argument for the dual system of separate Head of State and Head of Government

Pavlovs President