True, but then men will be interested in the tests that check pregnancy, or even who is the father.
True, but then men will be interested in the tests that check pregnancy, or even who is the father.
S&P should read what the candidates are planning for the economy then project what the credit rating will be after a few years. It'll be something like any Dem or Romney - A to AAA, the saner of the republicans Ca to A, the dumber of the republicans (her included) - well, below Ca is defaulting.
True, but the LG displays they are based on aren't much cheaper, have none of the extra ports and are plastic not pretty metal.
This can be true for cycling. I once wore basic sunglasses in because it was raining, and out in the afternoon because it was so sunny.
Opera has / as a shortcut for Ctrl+f (find), I just tab because any site with a search box has it first in the tab index. Much more logical.
Can someone sell a sticker than converts any old 8gb usb we put the image on into something that looks like what they sell?
I also made a lot of effort in finding games, and most of them turned out rubbish. Kotaku has been the most reliable source, more so than the top sellers list in itunes.
Depends what you want. As it's impossible to say conclusively, go out and try some free games if you have the time, check out appoftheday tag.
Price and feature-wise it's pretty equal in the UK. If you spend a certain amount a month on PAYG you get the credit plus some bonuses which are easily enough to cover most people for the month. Over 18/24 months on an iPhone 3/4 PAYG and basic contract have very similar total cost with that monthly PAYG payment.
They aren't hicks, they are from those countries..
Yep. The government will put a price of several hundred billions on the uninterrupted continuing functioning of GPS.
Ah, thanks, I'd assumed eink and touch screen were incompatible.
The searches don't normally look in places like ~/Library/, so this could put the files there.
Except on the devices already out there, including military, others that probably can't be replaced, etc.
Is that vital? I'd rather have the non-touch screen super low battery, easy to read in sunlight to read on than the ipod touch. The ipod is for shady times to play games.
I agree, logic and normal rules of competition, creation, etc would suggest you go ahead, but the fact is GPS signals will always be weak, and GPS will always be so critical to the world. Punish the GPS makers by making them offer to improve everyone's device (f they can) but don't punish the users by making their…
Nothing conclusive. That's poor evidence compared to the food studies that come out, there are some on LH.
Yep. The GPS devices are so vital to everything that anyone doing anything bad to their quality of operation must be punished by not going ahead.
We've been hunter-gathers eating fruit, seeds, etc since before we were human, possibly before we were monkeys.
Captain FTP, Transmit, Fugu, Yummy FTP, Fetch, Interachy, Filezilla and Secure FTP.