
Where has that limited the functionality of an extension? There was one I was interested in, I think it was some kind of activity monitor (which I went to Safari for).

I would hope itunes purchases don't count, in the Amazon way. Surely iPhoto and so on will have icloud integration, and it's replacing mobileme so ical/address book are a given.

I'd add Opera, Tweetie (not twitter for mac), Steam, Alfred, Fuzzyclock, Textual (best of a bad group), Juicephone to the list.

Any good iChat plugins?

I didn't know any animal fat was good for you..

Why is beef better than bread or pasta? You'd rather fill the land with farting cows than fields of vegetables, corn, rice, wheat etc? That'll ruin the planet and most of the world will starve. And the rest will have issues with too much meat, too much red meat.

The footprint of beef, of anything that farts is bad, there's barely any difference between them.

In that case the de facto implementation is susceptible to influence from lightsquared, and therefore lightsquared's plans shouldn't be allowed.

A court accepted that she was driven insane by drugs that are given to children for years on end? Was it ever determined how many (or few) times the recommended dose she took?

You'll lose a lot of flavour in the freezing. It's an alternative to processed meals, not cooking something every night.

The iOS app is weird, not at all engaging.

It is using a port that was already around, it will be compatible in the future. I see your point, but the lightpeak name is so good I hope not. The impression I get (from nothing really, the lightpeak demonstration was a video taken from far back in the audience) is that the cables are fairly identical in size.

But how accurate are the voices? If I was at all able to judge/remember which UK comedians were from Glasgow, I'd find a youtube video of them, the Glaswegian accent is good.

Also, the show is being called a "documentary, when it's clearly a sensationalist money-grubbing spectacle conceived by opportunists.

From what little I know that sounds close to the Kardashians. Any alliteration names in mind?

Can she be asked why she put her foster children after her business? And whoever does this interview, make sure you have a clip of the right wing being even more picky, incase they inevitably whinge about it being picky (any O'Reilly show will do).

Surely they would just swell up?

I was asked to describe someone I barely knew, so I just said woman. Is it at all wrong to say woman/girl (for over/under 16)?

Only one person mentions the GPS difficulties Lightsquared has, and no-one thinks its weird to give so much money to a company currently under investigation for their entire operation and idea by the FCC?

Because of the strength of the GPS transmissions (tiny) compared to the loud lightspeed signals, it is thought to be a problem. The solution is to either force lightspeed away from gps-near frequencies, or put a nuclear reactor on every gps satellite so it can send signals with enough power.