
I'm wary, and have stopped purely because of, the admin privileges permission request. It's so rarely needed, and things like Libox? ask for it when they don't really need it. Macdefender asks for it, and that should ring bells, if you spent 10 seconds checking it out before, spend two minutes now because of that

I currently pay for Runescape on a monthly basis, and a lot of Steam purchases, 100 specials on today (none good).

@ehed: They make sense, it's just not represented at all well, as it's not even a gmail feature. I do things like attachment/doc and attachment/image for folder names.

Now playing

I was trying to find the bit where Stewie says he disabled the v chip and watch sooo much porn, but this will do.

Thats good, but would a VLC plugin be any better, for say battery? 1080p frame drops?

I'm slightly surprised the labels haven't done it themselves. I must easily have a week of music from each label, so I wouldn't mind only signing up to one for a while.

@Hearthatvoiceagain: Arty people work with Macs (e.g. tumblr, vimeo) and a lot of them listen to music.

@Eclipse: (Rightly) complain to the lawmakers who made what is clearly personal a matter of law. The RIAA said that streaming is a performance (and I assume they have the right to say that and probably shouldn't have that right), so they are doing all the chasing they can.

@sakisds: You didn't stop someone else buying the picture of soap you should have bought from the internet. The cost of reproduction is not there to be stolen, which kind of makes the whole music industry pointless - an artist and producer can and do send directly to itunes.

@tallrob: Much. The hottest girl I ever met had one, and in that case it wasn't a bad thing. Marines have them, good.

I'm currently listening with PicoPlay, it just plays a playlist, dead simple. I wish it'd use the media buttons, and stop itunes opening, which matters when something is full screen.

My current breakfast that I'm starting to get bored of and want to change - oats, milk, seed mix and some form of sugar (honey, maple syrup, light/dark sugar). The amount I have it takes about 15min to eat, by the time I finish it the last oats are an odd texture. So don't fill a bowl that isn't filled by two soup

@TheFu: What OS does it run on? I kinda expect Nokia to be the type to be a silent second best to Apple in tablet OSs.

@Mike43110: Because the 1% of africans that go over what would have been the previous highest package, probably barely go over. The traffic of the top 1% is much much higher in america, and americans can pay more.

Maybe they found some weirdos who get calmed down by rectal thermometers?

Can it have efi compatibility, and not bitch about being installed after another OS?

Don't iOS and Android settings both allow global proxies?

Don't have an ass worthy of a facebook page?

I'd say dramas represent the shape/size well, they just take artistic liberty with time and noise. Even now I'm still surprised I didn't mind the noise, but after half an hour (two scans) the chestplate started to get hot.