
It silently dumped my three minute 'masterpiece'.

Paper dolls? Easy to make a lot of women.

@Mike43110: Because what you pay for unlimited voice would pay the network for thousands of hours a month, including profit. They don't get enough profit with unlimited internet, even when its 1% of the people using much.

I gave about 15 torrents to a site like one of these and it couldn't get any from isohunt, and didnt start any downloads. I don't know which site that was, as neither of these two know my email address.

Vote: Cloudapp.

Can anyone do a better surprise face than Kenan?

My current use of facebook is for when I can't see my classmates. Either because we're both at home, or for once the teacher is keeping us quiet and sat down. Otherwise it's pointless. Oh, my address book pictures come from it. And birthdays. But the chat is perfect.

Cheaper to send my family stuff online? Ok, but I have a big family, and I keep finding new ones all the time. I find them on these things called trackers, some people call them p2p trackers.

@Mike43110: Or because there are transmission costs - contracts and power.

@JohnnyLongarms: It seems odd to care about malware on an app store that is manually vetted.

It's already pointless to try to make your own, and it will only get harder. The whole thing just seems like an egotistical bitch at payment in general. It takes a macbook pro 1500 days to generate one coin (for now, much longer soon), there will be 21m coins in total. It's a waste of energy for a start, it doesn't

Oh no.. its so bad that we have to wait two weeks for an update to be checked that will give us some new feature to a program that was checked. We mac store users are sitting ducks. Because all security holes are fixed within a order of magnitude lower than two weeks.

Was is it in Law and Order once? I've seen some use of it in something good.

@tchrman35: Yes, but within the legal options you have the choice to be open, to be hidden away or not to sign up. What choice is taken away?

1. Fridge mums could be autistic mums who were never really sure what to do

@sui generis: Browser 'windows' are separated from app windows, because they aren't equal.

This is for Aunt Pattie and Selma, not us nerds.

Like an ace or like a bisexual?

Dislike the word sexy in a show like this. Dislike the strong peril that Amy goes through, in a show like this.