
The top third of the picture used on the main page looks like Langston, I was scared CSI was going to be cancelled.

@Clown Shoe Pilot: "Shooting you for trying to do something impossible is just being a dick" Oh? Do we watch the same news? :P

@buckleyneko: Depends on temperature and effective breathing of any kind.

@SkipErnst: The National Trust have done that, so I doubt it, there are too many good reasons, and personal choice/ownership/etc.

Why do you need 100watt led bulb? If an old bulb uses something like 5% of its power, surely a led bulb of equal power will be 19.9 times as bright?

@negitoro: Apple only have a right to make something obsolete by quality, not by politics (like removing Evernote from the store). That's the largely-unfounded worry.

Once you've made a dumbphone, put a useable but not ipod-beating music player on it, what else can you do but make the camera better? My SE C902 has hardly any bloat, just J2me, and a really good camera.

Psshh.. Someone will just syn-ack flood with the white house's ip address. Hopefully there's a Democratic Convention out of town. </fakeeviltime>

@tchrman35: Like a low iq? What's harmful about this?

I'm surprised no-ones made Adblock for Android or jailbroken iOS.

Tintin was never realistic, the necks were tiny and the heads varied between what were basically different bobble head designs. What little I can see I'd say is on the far/upper edge of the valley. Whatever problems there are, the producer, directer and voice cast will easily make up for it.

Twice I've had my ipod randomly lose all its folders, so that my apps take up about 20 home screens and I can only go to the first 11. I just finished reorganizing them (and losing about 40 apps), but one important thing is that this may mean you lose a week's progress in your apps, which matters more with Sleep

If you're one in a hundred it's 4-7 hours, if you're 97 in hundred it's 7.5-9.5 hours, if you're two in a hundred it's 9-11 hours.

The themes and extensions are phenomenal. I just need video too much of the time.

For me (and anyone else with only a gig for music in their 'box) there needs to be an app that takes a playlist and puts a copy of the files in dropbox.

We (need to be able to give our less fortunate relatives still left on Windows) something equal to AppFresh. I've never seen anything as good.

Bit open for the kind of activity most people get done in libraries. Not everyone can get a room.

How many days till this is wrong by the number of planck times? I don't know how to work it out.. it's 44 orders of magnitude compared to this clock's 18?

iPhones are already penta-band, would a GSM+CDMA make it hex-band or does silly CDMA not count? I say silly, half the countries in the world have some tiny carrier using them.