
I couldn't give a shit if it runs Crysis, but will it run Mac?

You can probably do this without jailbreaking. Unzup the ipa, edit the plist file, zip up, rename and there you go. I have no idea why you'd want to do this, I wouldn't have bothered mentioning this without Cydia finding a good use for it.

@CAFleming: I would build my own, but it will never be as pretty.

Can you explain it? Otherwise it's just pointing to OTW, and we don't need more twitter-like posts.

@jenawithonen: Ah, download the songs, that was what I missed. From itunes? You buy all the songs now? That's even worse. I don't understand, I think.

So what do you call a 99.999% lock?

If they didn't want to replace the old apps in the app store, they probably had bad reviews. Even if it a brand new app, that stilll leaves questions and a bad taste.

Crapware, bloatware, OEM-installed-software, etc.

It's a good idea, but it's yet another one of those websites that deserves to die for not including itunes in some way. Yes I need 100bpm music, but I have to either manually make playlists reading from your website, or I assume a 3G device can listen on the run? Not good enough. Read my itunes library, give me a

Does Google hate API use? The only things you use an API for are Analytics and Ads, everything else you go to their website and see their ads.

@v5point0: It can't provide any power at all, it's a mini-usb connection, thinner keyboard cable.

How does this look to the computer?

Can someone point out what this is called in various included or free editors, such as Preview/iPhoto, Seashore, Gimp, etc.

@Hami83: The one download per purchase thing is a record label thing, so's the whole reason Amazon was first (despite probably starting last), any streaming contract would fully assume everything was bought because it's too user-sided-ugly (un-user-friendly) for Google/Apple to consider having as theirs.

I'd prefer a Cocoa itunes. Unfortunately judging by past efforts they will be able to push this into the carbon itunes.

I once saw the TV from the Youtube app on Fullham high street, it's exactly the same. Didn't take a picture for some reason.

I can't work out her accent, super plummy nasally welsh? And a very royal-correspondent dress (both are good things).

I can't copy bookmarks between Chrome, Safari and Opera in any combination, what's the difference? Is Firefox still carbon?