@brijazz: Same.. it's making me drop behind my classmates in computer repair skills.
@brijazz: Same.. it's making me drop behind my classmates in computer repair skills.
@Hasteur: Windows most of all has massive legacy support, it's a great deal of their problems supporting all the old things. If they (rightly) cared as little as Apple did for old hardware, they'd have about half as many holes in their system. Still a sinking boat with a million holes, but at least it's not two…
The shitty OEMs need all this time to ruin W8. All that crap doesn't take a day to install! Unless you're competent, in which case you wouldn't add any of it.
It's a shame how so many things like this are actually a contract law issue, not a far simpler legal issue (I know thats wider, but in technical areas it ends up simpler). Luckily I have an in-house expert, I always know all the crap thats going on (Uk law at least).
I watched Prime Ministers Questions (Does the president do this? Weekly questions from any senator, in Senate?) today and he said that the coalition (UK, France, US) were thanked for bombing a munitions factory in a city without hurting a single civilian.
@Erik the Red: It has to be orbiting to stay up, it has to be moving around at a speed suitable for the altitude so that it's trying to escape while being pulled in. The fact that it's at the altitude that lets it rotate as fast as the ground is a coincidence. Other civilisations had number systems not based on the…
This article is broken on the old design. Last time I had this problem (a few vertical bars about 20px tall) I had no idea that designated a gallery, I missed out... It's [uk.gizmodo.com] btw.
@jarmod: Maybe in america, but then we'd say you have a conservative bias, even what you call liberal.
I don't think we're in Kansas any more. We must be right next to the server, look at the speeds we're getting!
I was messing about with this last night. It's pretty good, but like Soundcloud it seems more focused to producers rather than consumers (of content). It's the first time I remember easily getting around an app with one finger, even Twitter is harder to use.
@lord.ook: What did you do?
You can't get drunk in the UAE, and americans are always drunk and misusing guns but still think its the right way to go about.. Shall I throw in another joke to be torn apart?
@pixelsnader: It's on Steam, so it looks identical.
Does it work with Dolphin, the wii emulator?
This is probably unlikely, but if Kindles had a headphone port (and no speakers), and this worked on the Whispernet (even less likely) then I'd love it. But other than that, you need a lot of wifi or a lot of internet per month.
@JudyPaceFace: As america proves, if you can't be drunk, you probably shouldn't have a gun. And Dubai is a dry country.
Are there any jailbreak apps that hide all of the private data that Colour is grabbing to sell on?
@jarmod: Oh? Any example?
I just send the url (not the js that uses what I see) to Instapaper. I have to cut up the url, but it's where I want it in the end.
If you're interested, the UK equal is Which?, possibly more focused at old people and larger goods. [www.which.co.uk] Not free, and I don't know anyone who buys it, but then I don't know old people.