It's one of those things that's worth less than any other app I have, but I could see myself buying (when I get some more money on itunes) just because I can't be bothered to read everyone's statuses. Friends -baby -emo -football maybe though.
It's one of those things that's worth less than any other app I have, but I could see myself buying (when I get some more money on itunes) just because I can't be bothered to read everyone's statuses. Friends -baby -emo -football maybe though.
@maythetechbewithyou: Your privacy and soul.
@commander_k: Any proof anyone will stop because of this, or have because of piracy in the past? The PSP is wide open, I still see adverts for new games.
I didn't know Firefox was capable of allowing some extra pages to be open without taking up 16gb of memory... Here on Opera that is a kind of nice idea, but I prefer single character nicknames.
@wkiernan: edited to []
You mean jailbreakers should wait, not everyone else. "Suggest you wait" is too broad.
@bigcamcrsx: They don't think they need external help. It may well be an internal emergency, but you only tell that the army, police, etc.
Meh, BBC did it better.
Anger people less and you might be able to save on security..
It's colour, or it's readability outdoors. It's being sucked into the Android group, or staying unique and high quality at what you're known for.
Or.. Giz jumped on the reports from Sony without checking what Hotz would say about it. Wtf?
How drunk can you be to think of the app, download it, open it, go to the right area of the app, find the information, relate it to where you are, and think of an avoidance. As long as it doesn't cater to the stupid minds of drunk people, it's fine.
@B1663R: How would that work? They are very different.
Just like desktop then... Opera of some variety.
I'd rather use Oauth (or any other internal app-access-scheme, then tell it my general region (not location services), then it notifies whenever someone out of that area logs in. Until then, the retroactive built-in systems are better.
@tc4001: What sites are they? Either I'm not having problems, or I don't notice that it's Opera incompatibility.
60-70% Opera, 1% Safari and the rest Chrome. Opera just wins, and if you disagree you aren't looking properly (I'll help).
@MattyMattMatt: It's funny how only Opera users say that there's no other choice. I suppose we have the proof.
Aren't we phosphorus based life forms?
@daPrinz: Y'know, I don't think the article suggested that unfounded idea at all.