I can't find a picture, but a lot of trolleys in the UK have the spring-loaded thing on top of a clipboard.
I can't find a picture, but a lot of trolleys in the UK have the spring-loaded thing on top of a clipboard.
I'm about 2m from the wifi, and the strength is ~60%. It's g, and there's a shitty netbook in the house on g, but the people paying don't want to change either...
There needs to be an extension, it could just refresh the page with a made up referral link of twitter.com/fkunytimes
@JesusDeSaad: Woz still has stock and royalty cheques, and other income sources..
Can fecking pigs fly? When fecking-drunk Irish people are around.. yes. It'll last as long as the Paddys day hangover, then back to sanity, Apple better in every way.
One of the more-known (in my area at least) salad bars is actually Pizza Hut. Salad all you can eat, I love it. Much better than the other all-you-can-eat here, chinese.
I still don't really see how this works? I just said hi, and shared a folder. Who sees it?
@douglasf13: It's going to be some time before someone dips them in water to find out though.
@nacatak: So what choice do you have? Overpriced laptop and Windows for one price, or overpriced laptop and Mac for basically the same?
Pretty much always a printer-friendly page is better for Instapaper, only NYMag, MotherJones and Arstechnica need something else, like Safari's Reader to get them on one page. #tips
There was nothing inbetween? I wanna see him identify the shoes, and Kim's face then.
It's far too manufactured to have singles so different. Lack of dress sense, hair ideas, significant vocal talent, any dance talent just adds to the annoyance of it all being lapped up by others.
@badweasel: Upscaling 720p to 1080p can be done by current TVs pretty well. 1080p is a bit ahead of everything else, like you say non-burst speeds and hard drives.
@Deuce MacInaugh: This was planned ages ago, just for this more powerful ipad (it is imovie thats only ipad2 right?), there's never that kind of planning for Android.
I find the opposite of the favicons thing useful.
Tell them it's illegal. Don't bother mentioning why. It even gets the biggest apology.
Try to leave on good terms. You'll want a reference, and anyone, not just your boss may be able to help you find a new job. Offer to find a replacement if you're in that kind/level of job.
@CamJN: That's the point, thats what LH have talked about in the past.
One of the few things I go wireless for is HD streaming, and in the future video chat as well.