Tobin Lam

"a little bit different from the average guy" and apparently not quite right in the head. Real women get real flowers.

You bought a Monster product and are admitting it on a tech blog?

You sound confused. It does have autofocus, it just has to be manually triggered.

@ryan1313: I hope you are using your computer while you are charging your phone. A phone charger uses maybe $.25/year in electricity if you leave it plugged in constantly. I doubt it is that cheap to run your computer.

Google Maps has been pissing me off lately. It couldn't find the Chinese place down the street or the hamburger place across the street. It took me to a nonexistent Taco Bell tonight.

@Naoki - Photoshop Ninja: This plane was created and flown by actual humans before the "early eighties" so I don't know where you got the idea that NASA didn't create it.

@Steve Lessard Jr: Was there something you wanted to see off to the side?

@nka: Or even better: Google Mobile and Google Maps. It pisses me off every time because doesn't even let the iOS autocorrect my mistakes.

@Platypus Man: "if I were more creative, I could come up with this on my own. But I can't."

Wait a minute, doesn't our paper come from tree farms that exist solely to give us paper? The only trees you'd save were going to be chopped down anyways and already have replacements growing on other farms.

Are there bigger pictures? I'm not sure one can appreciate the size of these holds in pictures that are only a few hundred pixels wide.

If you are looking for caffeine, a Tall coffee has more caffeine than 3 shots of espresso. Starbucks' pamphlets state that coffee has 20mg of caffeine per ounce while espresso has 75mg per ounce. A shot of espresso is only 1 ounce so you get 225mg in, say a Venti Mocha, versus 240mg in a Tall coffee.

"something that was thought to be completely impossible. While she and other scientists theorized that this could be possible"

@XerxesQados: I thought I had been duped again into reading a sponsored post on Giz Mobile but it didn't say "Sponsored Post".

I don't even know if all the books I need are available as ebooks. I wouldn't spend $900 on this just to have to spend $200 more on a textbook.

This sounds like PineSol. If you read the directions, PineSol is a concentrate that you mix with water to get the proper strength.

If I could have any jet, it would be a GIII, GIV, or GIV. I love those massive windows.

What's the big deal about not limiting traffic on a per-client basis with the Netgear router? The ISP doesn't care how many clients you have, just how much data you've downloaded.

@ddhboy: I've seen lots of loading screens on my iPhone. They aren't for the built-in apps but for the third-party apps.