I'm willing to bet that the diabetes belt and the bible belt match up pretty closely on a map.
I'm not a fan of her music, but I really enjoyed her in that Karate Kid remake.
So, Summer Glau = this generations Ted McGinley? Got it!
Right, and Jessica Rabbit isn't bad, she's just drawn that way...
Oh, for fuck's sake...
She had me until she started talking about fairies and elves.
Holy fuck, Canadians are fearless!
Han wasn't kidding when he said that Lando was close to the Hoth System.
@geekymitch: According to the local news, the device was wrapped in those t-shirts and placed inside the backpack.
And I would drink this in a boat.
I own an iPhone 4 and have never had a problem with the antenna. Making/receiving/dropping calls? That's another story entirely. There's one spot on 405 at the 522 interchange that's like an AT&T dead zone. Strange thing is, I only hit this spot when I'm heading north. I blame the convergence zone. Stupid convergence…