Expecto Patronum!
Expecto Patronum!
“perfectly reasonable” to cut all of her hair off? Sorry, what? And why resort to name calling? Oh yeah, Anonymous. Internet.
Don't worry... he's not the only one (if ya know what ah mean) ;)
I came to Jezebel and clicked a link. You'll never believe what happened next!
"Note: The wall is covered with young child scribble, crayons and markers. Not dirt. "
And yet it was purchased, and accidentally delivered prior to street date, leading to the temporary console ban. You really don't see a difference between a user account and a console? Two very different things. I can see that you're not the type of person who will admit that they made a mistake, so there is little…
Pretty sure you don't. The difference between banning users and banning consoles is no "minor detail", and you know it.
How is that pedantic? The question was: "Did Microsoft seriously ban people from Xbox Live if they bought their systems early from Target?" The answer to that question is no. If the question was "Did Microsoft seriously ban consoles from Xbox Live if they bought their systems early from Target?, the answer would have…
What exactly are "arm-chair ghost hunters"?
Is she wearing thigh-high boots?!? My private area feels tingly.
J.J. is flipping you off in the publicity photo attached to this article. He. Is. Flipping. You. Off.
Isn't every region Voyager 1 enters an unexplored region of space?
Yes, yes, and yes.
Well, now that I've completely damaged my children with this, I suppose I should have read the comments first. I think I was hoping for some old school rap.
3-Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima Daiichi,.... nope, I count three.
Based on a true story, no doubt. Earth-2149?