Tobias O'Brien

Well I think the writers must read peoples complaints as they've given us all the early hero. I also like how Harley Quinn is made by being electrocuted. However I don't understand how Butch is still at the end of it all. This has to be the best finale Gotham has done so far. Looking forward to season 4, hoping it

This was better than the remake of Planet of The Apes! This was a great episode! At last The Flash has brought something brilliant to the show. But I love the show no matter but who doesn't love Telepathic Gorillas? Lol…Plus the H.Rs of this show are getting better and better!

It is and always will be the best detective show! Peter Falk was a great actor, he really nailed the role. I enjoy his other films as he has that comedic value as well, but as a legend I will always remember him as Columbo. Peter Falk is definitely No.1 on my wish to meet when I die list! Not even the Great Sherlock

Who the fuck is this prick? Grease has become a hit and lasted for the years that followed the film and west end show. Whoever this critic is sounds like they're in fucking nappies still! TWAT! Hate to read your review of Ben Hur!