
The shutdown made TSA employees likeable.

Guess it’s just another one of those days that I’m embarrassed of the culture surrounding my primary hobby. What is wrong with people?

I’ve been playing BF games for probably 13 years.  The new TTK was good in my opinion.  The game was more fun and gave you the opportunity to escape.  sigh...

I see deodorant and vaseline, how is that biased?

To make sure no one gets left out, please post your coordinates here

Gamers need to be nuked from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

‘Made by the creators of the original Fallout’ I felt that sucker punch from here, dayum!

come on, “Talibanned” was right in front of you

I like the exterior, but that interior is hands down a home run. It looks incredible! Sure, there’s still a protruding screen, but that is the only demerit I see and if I’m being real honest doesn’t even matter to me since I like the ergonomics of having the display up high.

I don’t know man, these replies are pretty gawdamn ugly and steeped in the stereotypes of “fake gamer girl”.


There’s an important distinction to be made here between a leaker and a journalist. When someone leaks a document to the journalist, it’s entirely the journalist’s prerogative whether or not they want to report on that. They have not signed any NDAs and have no obligation to protect companies’ secrets. In fact, a

This makes me very happy!!! (I’m not that guy’s wife btw)

You know, at this point it’s no longer a bug. This is a feature.

If you look closely, you can also see the joke :)

There’s a guy that kinda looks out of place, but he’s standing in the crowd so he’s probably supposed to be there.

If an asteroid were on a collision course with Earth in 2040, we’d presumably drop everything to avoid our fate and save ourselves.