
Agreed. Given the target audience, I can sort of understand the “oh holy fuck, we’d better get on this with the quickness” nature of the response, but jiggling breasts are not a new thing in games as a whole.

I particularly like this bit, though: “When asked how something this seemingly elaborate gets unintentionally

Elder Scrolls, riding ostriches in Joust, and Destiny aren’t basic cultural awareness. Even knowing Bungie made Halo was fairly good.

It’s more fun this way.

Dude’s a BILLIONAIRE. Let him pay his help.

Ferrari can fucking pay me. Also, IDGAF about Ferraris. I’ll at least take a call from Daihatsu.

Yo, Gamergate trolls, c’mere, I know you’re watching this post reading everything.  I got something for ya:

You do realize we can hold bad cops accountable for their actions while respecting the fine, mild-mannered police work of others, right?

Which would be accurate. She's alive to go to court. 

Fightin the good fight, my dude. Genuinely appreciate the effortposting

“Somebody is talking about history, and that's SJW shit." 

Anyone who uses the term SJW derisively is hardly neutral.

There was a house on the corner of a small 4-stop intersection I would occasionally drive by when I was a teenager. One day, had its front yard filled with barbed wire and stacks of tires and all sorts of things and signs all saying rather nasty things about the city and local politicians. When I asked my mother about

Great interview! I wanted to read more! I downloaded her report and will check it out later.

My wife was washing dishes and I told her, “Oh crap, they’re bringing the original Katamari to Switch.” She immediately stopped and told me I have to get her her own Switch because she’s not going to be splitting time with me. 

The Internet was a mistake.

Thank you SO much for turning this adorable news negative. I was afraid we might be able to just enjoy it.

Figuratively unplayable

I have zero desire to get into the mess surrounding Wu (as Gamergate is and always has been toxic as fuck, and founded on a number of fallacy-laden arguments), but I’m just going to put this out there: Comparing a political candidacy to soldiers fighting in World War II, where hundreds of thousands of American

If they had simply come out with the “We understand the feeling, but we are making a game with the intent of containing the worst kinds of people” explanation, it would still be kinda gross but more understandable.

Well, the ones who religiously use social media and create fanart did.