
I dont think it will help much. Every comment section I come across that deals with Battlefield V is filled with men who are incensed over women being playable characters. It’s basically a whole thread of “but historical accuracy!” with tid bits of people complaining about the battle royale mode. 

Too Boring.

it’s 7,000 words and it *is* edited

It wouldn’t be a Tim Rogers review if it wasn’t 4000 words, unedited, accompanied by a (near)40-minute video. Bravo Tim, you’ve convinced me to pick this one up.

This isn’t minimal. It’s got a giant logo (and its such a shitty logo) across the face and different colour handles.

Yet another “why is this even an article on Kotaku?” moment.

Women being bullied in the video game community is NEVER a topic that is ludicrous to talk about. Kotaku keeps talking about this because assholes like you keep ignoring that it’s a real problem. And yes you are an asshole for dismissing things like this article as “ludicrous.”

Christ, you’re an asshole.

Ok gamer. 

“these days you can’t say anything” Always seems a bit overblown to me.

Turns out, humans are capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time.

Look, if you want to say something in these comments all I ask is that you be respectful to one another. Disagree on whatever points you want but please treat each other decently.  (Assholes and transphobes get banned.)

While it’s not my place/nor right to tell someone whether they’re offended or not. I do feel that we’ve spent so much effort and energy on fighting microaggressions, that we forgot to fight normal aggression and now it’s sitting in the White House and walking the streets carrying tiki torches.

Oh, sweet summer child.

jesus fuckin christ it’s not even a funny joke. it’s like carlos mencia shit. go be 15 years old somewhere else instead of fuckin representing a AAA game company lmfao good lord these turds

This comment isn’t intelligent.

writer: *list of reasons why something is transphobic*

Or, you know people who live in towns with few options for jobs. but ok captain judgment.

I have never understood how non-whites can say something racist about fellow non-whites. I don’t recall my parents saying anything like that, but was pretty isolated until I went to college.

My wife and I have an abiding belief that every person on the planet should be made to work at least one year in the service industry, be that retail, food service, customer support, or what have you.

The idea behind this belief is that while having walked a mile in the company shirt won’t stop everyone from shitting