
Still can’t believe I lost this race.

Why the fuck not? The state of California provides more in federal funding than it receives.

Man, no shit: when I did the launch drive for this car back in 2014, they had all this British stuff everywhere. Union Jack flags, The Who and the Stones playing all over the place. But all the engineers there were German guys! “You like the new Mini, ja? Das ist ein kleiner Rennwagen, ja?”

That’s good news for us younger guys who like the classics. I hope you’re right.

RIP any hope for a true “small” light duty truck :’(

That feels like a good metaphor for how things went in the US this year.

Those cheesecake photos you post as a reward for COTD don’t count?

It’s almost as though an adult with kids that they seem to interact with a lot when they’re home, and who commutes via public transport, has completely different wants and needs than an adult who doesn’t have kids and drives to work.

If this was a political thread I’d assume you were a Russian bot.

Wow. That was “internetty” :)

“if I were on a loud bus with zero room to barely stand, I could not enjoy gaming at all”

“For me, I am the driver.”

So... you don’t have kids, or a Switch?

If you don’t have kids you have 10% of his adult qualms.

My favorite part about the internet, arm-chair parenting extrapolated from stray sentences without context.

again I dont have the kids....still find time to game, on a home cinema with large HD screen and sound 

Shut up old man!

There is a lady at my local track who races open and closed wheel. She’s in her late 60's. The first time I met her, I asked why she raced and she said and I quote “Because I’m bad at knitting”.