
“I don’t want all this sci fi space jet pack robot garbage. I want modern day with real soldiers and real guns.”

How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?

Did someone say Ford RS200? I love this photo!

Look at any of these non-physical competitive sports/games, even Chess, they are all male dominated despite there being no female barrier to entry.

“playing a roll role” ftfy dumb dick. The “something going on” is girls not being invited to the boys table for the past few thousand years.

That’s all completely bullshit. There’s female drivers racing against men in endurance motor races that run for 24 straight hours (check 24 Hours of the Nurburgring), which takes physical endurance to make it through the race and mental endurance to make split second decisions when racing at 150+ miles per hour.

We’re not talking the shotput or power lifting here. Gender shouldn’t affect esports ability. Why can’t everyone all play nice together?

Can we just play through this Presidency?

I was hoping this whole review would be underscored with synthwave

Dis-invited from an airport appearance:

Yes. Decidedly. Watched initially and then just couldn’t any more. Total trainwreck.

Super Honda Odyssey?

I just want these people to explain why they want so badly to dress a 13 year old girl in a bikini.

Now playing

For those wanting a recreation of the original Western theme, they did it for the Diancie movie.

What kind of a person buys a trophy?

Aaaaaaaaaand that’s the reason she’s posting what she did.

You tell China from me if they don’t do what I say I’m gonna punch the crap outta them. Have China meet me by the dumpsters after 6th period.