
“at the end of the day this is what Rust is”

M3 - a car that no one will notice because it looks like all of the other leases in a corporate parking lot. Sorry, but I’m not paying $50K to be invisible.

We get it fellas... many of you can’t afford these Volvos. But let’s not go the “Well I can get better offerings for that much” route just because AutoZone doesn’t pay you enough. NP all the way.

Why would you want to burden him with one of those? Don't you think he deserves to have a good time while riding after his years of service?

I think the most shocking part of this story is that there were TWO people in a Wal-Mart that were anti-Trump.

Honestly, the sun is normally only this bad for 20 minutes or so during the day and only certain times of the year based on the Earth’s rotation and my location. When I was commuting daily, I’d just made sure to leave a little early or late, because otherwise I’d riding at 15 mph.


You would sue Amazon?

great metaphor for american males sense of masculinity being just an inflated over estimation of what it really is. personified through a truck. the most appropriate symbol of the american male. how fitting.

No yea that was my mistake.

...doesnt this comepletely leave the collectors edition folks screwed since you cant reverse a steelbook?

Ah, you’re right. I shouldn’t post this stuff because some of you might have seen it already. Fuck everybody else who hasn’t and comes here to see this stuff, it’s all about you. My bad for saving this for a few days so I could have something to post on days I’m working on longer stories.

1990 called and said even they don’t want that sexist crap back.

that was not the voice i was expecting to come out of pikachu

fun fact: nobody saying “you should have outrun the police” has ever had the balls to try it themselves.


Actually this is the dude at the dinner party who looks pretty normal but benches twice his weight, has a three figure income, plays piano competitively, and who your wife wishes she married.

After a while it gets boring bringing your trucks to the same spot at the far end of the Walmart parking lot and you start thinking “guys, what if maybe there’s more to life”

Not liking things because they’re hipster is the ultimate hipster.