
I want to be a race car passenger. Just the guy who bugs the driver. Say man can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why we always going in circles? Can I put my feet out the window? Man you really like Tide.

Man, if your comment is to shit on another man’s pride and joy, you need to step up your comment game.

Right? I met my boyfriend in a bar, we got drunk and talked about Lord of the Rings. Then we made out.

goddammit now i’m going to have to scrap my face tattoo plan and start over AGAIN

Nintendo is a good parent

I have been gaming since the early 80s religiously and I have nowhere near 500 “greatest games ever”, so I am sure 500 steam games equals around 20-30 games that are memorable enough to ever recall and half of that for ones worth keeping around.

There were some neat graphical flourishes in ZombiU that seem to have been left out of Zombi, like the dirty lens effect. Zombi certainly has some nicer textures, but I actually prefer the grittier, dirtier look of ZombiU.

Hey, no reason why you won’t find a treasure now and then in a great big pile of garbage.

Now playing

The deliciously creepy looking indie game We Happy Few got a great new trailer today at Microsoft’s Gamescom presser, meaning the game is now coming to Xbox One. Watch it here, and check out Evan’s impressions from PAX East.

I live in Chicago. I don’t need you to tell me where you live. There are only so many houses. There are only so many garages. I will drive randomly in all directions at once, screaming out my window “Monsieus Citroen! Êtes-vous là? Je veux un tour! Don’t wait up. Just leave the door unlocked. When you hear someone

But a parallel hybrid could be essentially isolated. Separate controls if desired, just put the primary drive in Neutral. With the right packaging, only the driveshaft would need any major modification. And... it would offer redundancy when the primary drive breaks down.

“ 1924 Sasquatch Landlover with its one-of-a-kind inline-13 engine, you’re pretty much boned.”

Daytona Orange 1975 BMW R90S. Why? I was originally looking for an earlier airhead, but a regular R90 came up 2 blocks from me on eBay, my mechanic (who has ridden for decades) told me they are great bikes, so I bid on it with a max of $8k. The seller was clearly engaging in some shill bidding based on the bid

Or impossible to find.

Sometimes they are off the Honda cause 50 year old dodgy electrics

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