
if by girls you mean heaps of dorritos and mountain dew, then yes.

Well, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: I played the original Uncharted for the first time a few months ago and really did not care for it, so it's not like I'm gonna be standing up for the Vita sequel.

so so many good psone jrpgs i don't know where to start. how about final fantasy 4-9? final fantasy tactics, wild arms, legend of dragoon, chrono trigger, chrono cross, vagrant story, xenogears... there are also some old survival horror games like the first couple of silent hill games, resident evil, and parasite eve.

Now we can take screenshots, finally!

More interested in this image:

Now I ain't no fancy big city lawyer, but...

*receives a free pitchfork*

one day his financial advisors are going to convince him being batman is costing the company too much money. But until then we can expect more hard bud nipping action.

we dont need this, cmon lets get outta here

Why did you create this thread?

Wow, that's a very refreshing way for a game company to operate.

iNis — Gitaroo Man, Lips, Demons' Score

What a show off.

Eeeeeh. I'm going to be a little more optimistic. I think a lot of times people don't understand something and sometimes they would like to, but they are scared of doing or saying the wrong thing because it's "a touchy subject". Personally, I know I (a middle-class raised white woman) felt this way a long time in

As a tentacle monster I have to say the following: