You didn't even ask a question, dumbass.
You didn't even ask a question, dumbass.
Do I even have to provide the obligatory rebuttal, or can you figure out how you're wrong on your own?
I asked a gamer co-worker if he was going to the midnight launch tonight and he responded "For Super Mario 3D World? Hell yes!". Not what I was expecting to hear.
I want a dead simple 4 cylinder, both na and rwd, stripped down car with no features.
God no. The Excursion should have never been made in the first place. So worthless.
lol, i have an old blackberry that doesn't quite work anymore. Maybe i should bend the piece of metal in the HDMI port huh? Ipod on the fritz? bend the metal in the HDMI port! its the solution to every problem ever apparently.
in his defense, insulting someone random on the internet is not considered a "joke". That or ya have horrible sense of humor :P Football sucks.
Wow, that totally described what kind of person you are. I'm Japanese, I don't watch football from your country. I don't know the teams, the players, etc. Do you really think that all the people in the world should see American football? And you think by not watching your country-specific sport means that people are…
I for one am happy that the Wii U decided to upscale to an HDMI cable.
They don't suck corporate cock so naturally they're part of the liberal media and part of their plan to commit mass liberal indoctrination by which they brainwash young or otherwise malleable minds into thinking for themselves. It's scary shit if you're a fucking moron.
Yeah it's so weird that people enjoy structurally similar and beautifully executed action puzzle games with charming characters and a fun world on a biannual basis.