I only brought up that technicality to irritate you. Easy bait.
I only brought up that technicality to irritate you. Easy bait.
You need to get smacked upside your head. Nothing would stop a parent from buying it for their kid. Get out of here dork.
You technically just referenced the wii and the DS.
Where do most people get those these days? Just forums and such?
So you’re telling me using an ‘89 Peugeot 405 Mi16 isn’t the best option? Hmm...
B2B shakes it up so much. Totally different style of play and now they have frontlines which is hard but so much fun.
It sounds like it uses an engine
Under “custom modes” in quickplay, there are a few. There is also a neat “back to basics” mode that is a lot of fun.
One thing I think about a lot is that I have deaf family members and friends and I think about the games we all play and I know I rely on audio heavily. I can’t imagine how hard some games, or how few games can be played at all, if one can’t hear.
Probably a question I could just look up but do you know if that mod went to consoles too?
This is the wholesome content I needed today, thank you for sharing.
Can’t wait to see $kay’s objectifying picture today... yay. /s
You’ve never done something as simple as a book report have you?
Gunna go ahead and you’re 100% correct here. That thing is awesome looking. Iran, ignore our leaders. Lemme grab one of those real quick.
Okay but that blue is beautiful though.
I’m so happy seeing other men seeing this the same way. Good on you.
This is an amazing article. Thank you for this. Im a guy trying to do better and the more articles I read like this, the clearer my goal is.
Thank you